MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 12

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  1. #1
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 12

    Nuova release beta per l'ottimo Afterburner

    Changes list v.2.2.0 Beta 12 includes:

    • Memory clock limit has been extended to 180% on AMD RADEON 79x0 graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode
    • Added low-level clock frequencies monitoring for AMD RADEON 79x0 graphics cards
    • Added PowerTune adjustment slider for AMD HD 6xxx and 7xxx series graphics cards
    • Improved overclocking profiles format provides compatibility with future graphics cards. Please take a note that existing overclocking profiles (startup overclocking profile and profile slots) will be ignored and must be recreated in new version
    • MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to v4.3.2. New version gives the following improvements:

    • Added gamma corrected video capture support
    • Framerate limit ratio for video capture in no longer controlled via the server's profiles. Now it can be adjusted directly into MSI Afterburner's video capture properties
    • Added Direct3D9Ex support (DOTA 2 and Darkness 2 demo)
    • Improved desktop windows notification mechanism eliminates unwanted beeps occurring on some systems during the server startup / shutdown
    • Output video dimensions are now cropped to be multiple of 16 to improve compatibility with some third party MJPG decoders
    • Improved OpenGL On-Screen Display coordinates calculation for framebuffer coordinate space mode
    • Now "Enable compatibility with modified Direct3D runtime libraries" option is compatible with Direct3D9 game engines using double FPU precision (MassEffect series)

    download via Guru3D

  2. #2
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito Afterburner 2.2.0 beta 14

    Da qualche giorno è stata resa disponibile la nuova versione di afterburner 2.2.0 beta 14

    Changes list includes:

    • Fixed sub-zero temperatures reading on certain custom design MSI graphics cards with LM96163 and NCT7718W dedicated thermal sensors.
    • Added workaround for bug in AMD drivers causing unofficial overclocking to be reset to defaults after adjusting PowerPlay settings. Now unofficial overclocking settings are being forcibly reapplied after applying new PowerPlay settings.
    • Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) architecture has been improved to provide compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
    • Now multi-GPU overclocking and fan control settings synchronization is performed at HAL level instead of display driver wrapper level to improve HAL architecture extendibility and provide compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
    • Shared control memory format has been upgraded to v2.0. New format provides power limit adjustment support and forward compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
    • Now it is possible to override group names for values displayed in the On-Screen Display or in Logitech keyboard LCD display.
    • MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to v4.3.3. New version gives the following improvements:
    • o Fixed issue causing gamma correction to be applied twice under certain conditions and causing video to appear too bright when capturing video with gamma correction option enabled.
    • o Output video dimensions are no longer being forcibly cropped to be multiples of 16. Now cropping is optional and can be enabled via GUI
    • o Dedicated 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 frame downsampling routines have been replaced with unified arbitrary downsampling routine. Now MSI Afterburner provides arbitrary frame downsampling functionality and allows selecting 360p, 480p, 720p, 900p, 1080p frame sizes for both 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios. Please take a note that arbitrary frame sizes list is user extendable so you may add your own custom frame sizes if necessary via the configuration file.
    • o Improved tabbed text formatting provides better compatibility with custom group names.

    download ed info presso Guru3D

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