Leica aveva annunciato l'aggiornamento per il firmware della D-Lux 4 alla versione 2.1 solo qualche giorno fa (qui). Un po' a sorpresa, ecco presentarsi una release ulteriore, la 2.2 appunto, caratterizzata dai seguenti miglioramenti:
- Recording function with an aspect ratio of 1:1 has been added.
- A white balance (WB) bracket function has been added.
- The exposure compensation and the auto bracket compensation can now be set
up to d3 EV.
- Position of the guide line can now be set.
- [LENS RESUME] has been added to the [SETUP] menu.
- [HIGH DYNAMIC] has been added to scene mode.
- It is now possible to record the user’s name in the picture.
- [MENU RESUME] has been added to the [SETUP] menu.
- It is now possible to display the highlights in playback mode.
- Digital red-eye removal has been modified.
- Items saved in the custom set have changed.
- Display of [COPY] in the [PLAYBACK] menu has changed.
- Message display has been added.
Link. Leica D-Lux 4, firmware download page (international)