Nuova Olympus E-620

Phase One, produttore dei rinomati back digitali della serie P, ha reso disponibile un nuovo, importante, aggiornamento di versione relativamente al suo software per lo sviluppo dei file RAW: Capture One, arrivato adesso alla 4.7.

In particolare, a parte i miglioramenti relativi ai propri digital back, è stata introdotta la possibilità di intervenire sui file di formato TIFF e JPEG con i medesimi strumenti utilizzati per i RAW; inoltre, ma solo per la ver. PRO, è adesso abilitato il supporto per il controllo remoto della Nikon D3X e della Canon 5D MkII.

Interessante, anche se solo per i back, l'introduzione del formato .eip che consente di racchiudere più immagini, con relativi settaggi, in un unico file contenitore agevolando così la distribuzione dei lavori preparati per i servizi di stampa.

Per i possessori della versione 4.x, l'aggiornamento di versione è gratuito.

Link pagina download (tutte le versioni / Mac - Win): Phase One 4.7 (circa 79,5MByte Win / 146,6MByte Mac)

Lista delle modifiche introdotte
(lingua inglese):

- Introduction of new Enhanced Image Package file format (with .eip file extension).
o With the new file format you can combine images and their settings into one file. This
will simplify image archiving and management and make it easier to share adjusted
RAW files (e.g. with retouchers or pre-press). With the new file format your images and
settings are packaged into one file without compromising the original images and
settings. It is always possible to unpack your original images and settings. It is possible
to capture tethered directly to .eip and it is possible to convert existing files into .eip
files. The Enhanced Image Package file format is currently available for Phase One
digital backs only.

- Support for jpeg and tiff files as “input” files.
o It is now possible to make adjustments to jpeg and tiff files similarly to RAW files. The
same* adjustment tools are available for jpeg/tiffs as for RAW files. For optimal image
quality it is recommended to capture and work with images in RAW format.

- Improved quality of P 65+ Sensor+ images
o Notably in high ISO and longer exposure ranges.

- (PRO) Tethered capture support for Canon 5D Mark II and Nikon D3X

- Usability improvements notably for:
o Batch renaming and output naming
o Adjusting numeric input field using keyboard arrows keys

- Windows Imaging Component (WIC) codec and Quick Look plug-in (Mac OS) for Phase
One digital back files:
o The WIC codec and the Quick Look plug-in are imaging components that work on an
operating system level. These additions give you high-quality previews of the original
RAW files at OS level (e.g. in the Finder or Windows Explorer). 3rd party applications
supporting these components will also be able to show the high-quality previews.
Currently Phase One digital back files with .iiq and .eip extensions are supported.