SpeedFan 4.37 release

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    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito SpeedFan 4.37 release

    è stata rilasciata da Almico la versione finale 4.37 di SpeedFan

    4.37 - fixed a bug where, after resuming from suspend, fan speeds were not really changed
    - added full support for AMD CD5536 SMBus
    - added identification of Fintek F75111R
    - fixed an Exotics tab Access Violation
    - fixed a bug that caused all of the EVENTS to be lost after entering CONFIGURE

    download SpeedFan v.4.37
    Ultima modifica di brugola.x : 10-12-2008 a 23:45

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