Opera ha mantenuto la promessa fatta la scorsa settimana e oggi ha rilasciato la prima build di Opera 10.5 (nome in codice Evenes) del noto browser per sistemi desktop. Questa release è un pre-alpha, che non è raccomandata per un uso regolare, ma per test e check-out.

Ecco un'elenco delle nuove caratteristiche aggiunte alla versione 10.5:

  • Presto 2.5 rendering engine which contains a huge numbers of improvements, support for CSS3 transitions and transforms, and more HTML5 features;

  • Carakan - new JavaScript engine that's more than 7x faster in SunSpider than Opera 10.10 with Futhark on Windows;

  • Vega graphics library - currently software based but can be hardware accelerated;

  • 'Private tab' and 'Private window' - You can open a new Private tab or Private window that doesn't keep any browsing data (cookies and such) once closed;

  • Better platform integration;

  • Non-modal dialogs - Dialog boxes are now non-modal and are displayed as a page overlay. This allows you to switch tabs or windows while the dialog is still displayed;

  • Address field and Search field improvements - Both fields have been upgraded in looks and functionality. They can now remember searches, support removing items from history and show results in a better layout.