Dopo l'acquisizione di PC Power & Cooling, OCZ ha acquisito in questi giorni Hypersonic, un brand noto per assemblare pc ad alte prestazioni.

Si tratta quindi di un altro colpo di mercato da parte di questa azienda che sta crescendo sempre di più. Ecco le dichiarazioni dei dirigenti di entrambe le aziende.

OCZ’s goal is to deliver the highest performing products to consumers whether that is with premium components or total solutions. We are delighted to welcome Hypersonic PC, a company and brand well-known for their commitment to enthusiasts into the OCZ fold.”

Ryan Petersen, capo esecutivo di OCZ Technology Group.

Hypersonic, a brand synonymous with performance. Our strategy has always been to employ bleeding-edge technology and innovative design backed by the highest level of customer support. The fusion of OCZ’s groundbreaking memory and power technologies will catapult Hypersonic to a position of leadership in the performance computing arena.”

Fred Cohen, presidente e fondatore di Hypersonic.