AMD ha rilasciato un aggiornamento della sua suite di driver video Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020, la versione 20.4.2.

I nuovi driver integrano un mucchio di funzionalità e miglioramenti che risolvono molti problemi riscontrati dagli utenti ed offrono il supporto per titoli come Gears Tactics e Predator: Hunting Grounds.

Alcune delle correzioni apportate sono importanti per le schede RX Vega come la risoluzione del blocco del sistema o lo schermo nero quando si esegue Folding@Home mentre si sta usando anche un'applicazione che utilizza l'accelerazione hardware del contenuto video mentre altre riguardano la correzione dei problemi inerenti un arresto anomalo o un blocco del sistema che potrebbero verificarsi durante l'utilizzo del browser Edge per riprodurre contenuti Netflix.

Di seguito l'elenco completo dei problemi risolti.

  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system hang or black screen when running Folding@Home while also running an application using hardware acceleration of video content.
  • A system crash or hang may be experienced when using Edge browser to play Netflix content.
  • XSplit may experience an application hang or freeze when performing a scene switch.
  • Minor stuttering may occur when performing a task switch with performance metrics overlay open in some games.
  • Overwatch may experience an intermittent crash while entering a game or during extended gameplay sessions.
  • Radeon RX 5700 series graphics product system configurations may intermittently experience a display loss or black screen while gaming or on desktop with a limited number of displays.
  • Radeon Software may experience an application crash when playing games with non-alphanumeric characters in the game title.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience an application crash with Microsoft Teams when hardware acceleration is enabled.
  • An 'Unable to get requirements' error message may intermittently occur when viewing the Upgrade Advisor tab in Radeon Software.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system crash or TDR when playing games with Instant Replay or Record Desktop enabled.
  • Resolved an install issue where Error 1603 could occur when an installation prerequisite for Visual C++ was not correctly detected as installed.

Download Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2