MAFIA 2 | In Sviluppo |

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  1. #1
    Feb 2003
    Horse Mount

    Predefinito MAFIA 2 | In Sviluppo |

    Da una notizia di Fine Gennaio Illusion Softworks ha confermato che è già iniziato la lavorazione di Mafia 2, si conosce poco altro solamente che sarà basata sul seguito, negli anni 1930 e successivi, non si conosce la data di pubblicazione.

    E' una notizia ufficiosa non ufficiale, ma ormai è certo che sono al lavoro

    Per tutti quelli che hanno firmato la petizione sarà un sollievo


    Illusion Softworks is hard at work on a sequel to its 1930s-era gangster epic

    14:45 Illusion Softworks, responsible for the recent, classy World War II squad-based shooter Hidden & Dangerous 2, has already begun work on a sequel to its 1930s gangster action-adventure Mafia, we can exclusively reveal. Not exactly as shocking as discovering a severed horse's head under your bed sheets, but fantastic news nevertheless.
    Confirmation that Mafia 2 is underway came direct from the horse's mouth - sorry, it's horse day today - a spokesperson for Illusion revealing to us: "Yes, we're working on it", when questioned on what was happening in regard to a sequel to its crime epic.

    Unfortunately, as far as Mafia 2 details are concerned, the developer is keeping lips firmly sealed. Although it would be natural to assume that Illusion will stick pretty close to the original in terms of setting and style, concentrating on gangster frolics in a fictional city in the 1930s, we'd love to see a sequel that's a little more contemporary.

    A videogame paying homage to Goodfellas perhaps, or The Sopranos, would be a real treat.

    No release date for Mafia 2 yet, and no platforms confirmed, although we expect it will appear on PC, Xbox and PS2. We contacted Mafia publisher Gathering to try and squeeze out further info, but it declined to comment in any way whatsoever on the sequel.

    As ever, you'll be the first to know as soon as we hear more."

  2. #2
    Amministratore L'avatar di ^SiRtA^
    Nov 2001


    Bene, bene ! Speriamo siano più corretti di 3drealms ... ma su questo non ho dubbi


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