Wink - screen recorder

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  1. #1
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito Wink - screen recorder

    Vi volevo segnalare un comodo programmino utile per chi volesse registrare ciò che accade sullo schermo. Sono previste diverse modalità di utilizzo ed inoltre è prevista la possibilità di arricchire in seguito il nostro lavoro.
    Una volta installato il nostro programmino andiamo ad aprire un nuovo file

    ecco apparire una prima scheda di opzioni

    in questa stabiliremo che sezione di schermo sarà interessata dal nostro lavoro

    un altra cosa che possiamo stabilire è anche il numero dei fotogrammi catturati in un secondo

    completata la fase delle impostazioni questo programma è possibile gestirlo sia con delle comode combinazioni di tasti oppure dalla barra di win


    • Freeware: Distributed as freeware for business or personal use. However if you want to redistribute Wink, you need to get permission from the author.
    • Cross-Platform: Available for all flavours of Windows and various versions of Linux (x86 only).
    • Audio: Record voice as you create the tutorial for explaining better.
    • Input formats: Capture screenshots from your PC, or use images in BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF formats.
    • Output formats: Macromedia Flash, Standalone EXE, PDF, PostScript, HTML or any of the above image formats. Use Flash/html for the web, EXE for distributing to PC users and PDF for printable manuals.
    • Multilingual support: Works in English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Spanish, Serbian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified/Traditional Chinese.
    • Smart Capture Tools: Capture screenshots automatically as you use your PC, based on mouse and keyboard input (great time saver and generates professional captures).
    • Performance/Quality: Creates highly compressed Flash presentations (few kbs to few hundreds of kbs, much smaller than competing commercial products) ideal for using on the web.

    • Tools:
      • Navigation buttons to move to next/previous/random frames in the presentation, you can use custom bitmaps for these buttons (full transparency/alpha channel support).
      • Callouts and shapes for displaying text explanations. The inbuilt Callout Editor is used to create custom shaped callouts as you want.
      • Intuitive drag-n-drop editing of the frame, callout, cursor, navigation buttons and the title elements.
      • Advanced features like templates, cursor editing, palettes, background images, control bars & preloaders for the flash output etc.
      • Completely PC and Web ready with exports to PDF, HTML, SWF and EXE formats.
      • Innovative compression techniques applied to reduce filesize of output Flash file. Generated flash file plays in Flash players from version 3 and above, giving you widest array of target audience.
      • Uncompressed output to allow you import the output of Wink into other Flash editors.

    Home Page Wink (freeware)

    For Windows (version 2.0 build 1060)

    For Linux (version 1.5 build 1060)

    a saperlo usare bene sarebbe comodo per fare delle belle guide

    PS l'ho fatto anche io un esperimento ma è risultato un pò troppo veloce.. ( )
    Ultima modifica di brugola.x : 12-10-2008 a 17:48

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