Catalyst 8.6 hotfix VS Catalyst 8.7

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    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito Catalyst 8.6 hotfix VS Catalyst 8.7

    è apparso su EXPreview una comparazione tra catalyst-8.6-hotfix vs-catalyst-8.7

    Test setup:
    mobo: Maximus II Formula
    CPU: E8400 OC 450MHz x9
    RAM: G.Skill 4GB (2×2GB) DDR2 1100
    GFX Card: ASUS Radeon HD 4870 TOP

    On HD 4870, Cat 8.7 did not bring any performance improvement over Cat 8.6. However, the release note mentioned that lots of fix have been done on Crossfire and single card setup issues, so if you don’t encounter any graphic corruption or blank, stick to Cat 8.6 hotfix is OK.

    Ultima modifica di brugola.x : 26-07-2008 a 11:57

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