X79 MEMORY OC GUIDE (4 Different IC) --- G.SkILL + ASUS Rampage IV Extreme

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  1. #1
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007

    Predefinito X79 MEMORY OC GUIDE (4 Different IC) --- G.SkILL + ASUS Rampage IV Extreme

    Ciao a tutti
    finalmente ho trovato la cpu buona per fare qualche test sulla nuova piattaforma SB-E.

    G.SKILL RipjawsZ 2400 9-11-10 16GB

    all tests will done on

    Rampage IV Extreme Latest bios
    Thermalright Archon duble fan 21c room
    Windows 7 64bit
    3930K Retail 3133B483 *0738

    quick IMC test

    16GB tight timing

    Gestione memory controller è diverso rispetto X58 e P55 e P67 qui abbiamo altri divisori sulla cpu 100, 125 ...
    tutte le cpu che ho testato io riescono a benchare 2400 sulla memoria
    SB-E non serve a nulla aparte il memory benching migliori in giro salgono max 56XX quindi niente 2D e 3Dmark aparte 3D11 e vantage che sono 90% GPU limited.

    a presto
    Ultima modifica di Hiwa : 28-11-2011 a 18:04

  2. #2
    Moderatore L'avatar di betaxp86
    May 2003
    Genova, Italy


    16GB a quella frequenza mica male paura di rimanere senza RAM?
    L'ultimo screen ha un errore di compressione, riesci a ricaricarlo?

  3. #3
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007


    Originariamente inviato da betaxp86
    16GB a quella frequenza mica male paura di rimanere senza RAM?
    L'ultimo screen ha un errore di compressione, riesci a ricaricarlo?
    sto preparando la giuda per SB-E di 4 IC e 6 kit differenti

    l'ultimo screen è colpa di capture non il caricamento devo rifarlo domani

  4. #4
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007


    How to OC Memories on Rampage IV Extreme (thanks shamino)

    First of all you have to buy the board this the best board for memory overclocking on X79 platform, ROG team already make some great ready profiles for different ICs in the bios you need only load which one you want and fly with the memories.

    1.Load Normal OC profile,it will set Cpu BCLK to 125 (cpu Strap 125) enough for +2400 memory benching*
    Set you memory Frequency 1666/2000/2333/2666 etc (you simply change cpu ratio to 100 if you want try other memory frequencies in my case 125 was the best for highest cpu and memory benching)

    Voltage will change to normal Ram and cpu overclocking 1.40 for cpu it's good enough fo 4700 on SB-E, *1.20 VTT and VSSA for +2400 enough for 80% of cpus try higher VSSA if you get BSOD memory management in OS or fast reboot when you are loading windows, if you are not using LN2 or SS you can set lower PLL (if you are running extreme OC you have to load LOW Current profile) disable all Onboard and change Sata configuration to IDE if you installed OS on IDE.

    2.Go to Dram Timing Control, choose you profile for your memories,

    Elpida Hyper profile

    Hypers need very High Vdimm on SB-E like 1.90 or so to go over 2200 7-8-7
    my hypers where stable 1.62 2200 7-8-7 on X58 platform here i have to set +1.96 to keep them stable at same frequency :S

    Alternative : you can use your G.SKILL 2133 8-9-8 BBSE kit with this profile too change only tRCD to +9.

    Tight PSC Profile

    MY favorite profile for SB-E, The best profile for benching 4/8GB PSC if you want to see the real performance on SB-E and you have nice PSC memories you have to use this profile, change tRAS, tRFC,tRCD(not easy lower than 10 for high frequency)

    Compatible memories with profile tested by me
    G.SKILL PIS 2000 6-9-6
    G.SKILL PIS 2200 7-10-7
    all the new RipjawsX Black with PSC specially 2133/2200 7-10-7 kits
    G.SKILL Flare 2000 7-9-7

    You can use same profile for BBSE kits too just change tRCD if you want better performance

    ALL G.SKILL BBSE kits i have here even old PerfectStorm and trident series are flying here

    BEST is G.SKILL 2133 8-9-8 +1.90 Volt and you will see hoe the flay to 2400

    Loose PSC Profile

    If you to see max with your PSC ICs you have to choose this profile, lower performance but just to testing you IMC and where your PSC memories are not stable with tight profile, still good for benching 4/8GB memories, some bad PSC can bench this profile also some 16GB 1866 Hynix can bench this profile too

    Tight 16Gb/8GB Hynix Profile

    this is the T1 profile for 8/16GB, Best profile for benching and have a nice performance for daily use guys with high memories and high density ICs,

    change the cas and tRP for better performance if your memory can do it.
    Set 2 Dram command rate to get higher frequency for benching

    RAW MHz Profile

    i can't see the timings here they are really bad and it's only to get records for highest memory

    Tips And Tricks Credits goes to shamino

    on R4E board we can find a 4pin floppy power connector provides additional power for DRAM and USB ports, especially useful when running huge capacities of RAM and overclocking them hard:

    Also slow mode helps you do suicide validations of BCLK, DRAM, CPU. Keep it on the ‘ON’ position and before you do your validation or screenshots, flip it off take your screenshots, etc and back on. You will find that with 12x CPU Ratio, High DRAM and High BCLK is slightly more stable. Even when you face DEBUG port ‘79’ hangs with high DRAM and BCLK, going Slow Mode here helps you pass it.
    Take note that Slow Mode only takes effect when LN2 Mode is ON. If not it takes no effect.
    A very typical running temperature might actually be -50C.

    Extreme Trick don't try high PLL and VTT if you are running Air, this is only for -15 or lower temp (LN2 or SS)

    The sweet spot for BCLK Skew on this CPU is -2 bundled with -20 on PCIE CLK Skew. A good match in these 2 skews can help with BCLK/DRAM/Overall OC stability.
    As I am running Ultra High on the VCore LLC, 1.650 to nicely maintain around 1.630v on heavy loads is what my CPU likes. VTT @ 1.35v while secondary VTT at 1.05v. When you push VTT to 1.40v and above, raise secondary VTT as well, try not to deviate off 300mv margin between these 2, for stability, not that it’s dangerous for the CPU.
    VSA 1.35v, DRAM 1.85v, I’m using PSC 2GBx4 modules and they scale with tight timings with 1.85v.
    2.10v on the CPU PLL, just because I have a small feeling it helps maintain stability at high BCLK/DRAM Frequency and even CPU Core ratios with a slight boost here.
    PCH 1.20v just for assurance.

    To let users over-volt part of the CPU VTT that affects OC without overvolting the part of VTT that does not affect OC, we split up VTT rails to VTT and Secondary VTT.
    VTT over-volting helps with DRAM and BCLK Overclocking. Secondary VTT does not, however try to maintain at most a 300mv delta for stability. 1.40v is fine on these CPUs. 1.35v is sufficient most of the time.

    VCCSA also helps with DRAM and BCLK Overclocking. 1.40v is fine on these CPUs. 1.35v is sufficient most of the time.

    May help DRAM Frequency slightly when you over-volt it to around 2.10v. It is not high since default spec is 1.80v

    tested very fast some solution today(8gb PSC, and 16GB 2400 C9 Hynix), very nice IMC on this chip can hit easy 2570 and pass 8m on air

  5. #5
    L'avatar di siscoregna
    Nov 2008


    che dire!
    ben tornato in piazza hiwa!
    l ultimo screen non era mica ad aria la cpu!?
    le ram rullan veramente bene, toccherà proprio passare a sto x79!!
    Originariamente inviato da giampa
    Top Seller uguale TOP Ladro in molte occasioni, come minimo è uno che IVA pensa sia solo il nome della Zanicchi ...

  6. #6
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007


    Originariamente inviato da siscoregna
    che dire!
    ben tornato in piazza hiwa!
    l ultimo screen non era mica ad aria la cpu!?
    le ram rullan veramente bene, toccherà proprio passare a sto x79!!
    l'ultimo la cpu sta sotto il dimastech load 6c

  7. #7
    The Technology evangelist L'avatar di zilla
    Oct 2006
    Monte MHz


    Ottimo! vedo che G.skill è partita in piena bagarre con le memorie per X79

    Ormai PSC + chip High tRFC sono la sola e unica via per questa CPU.

    Shambolo ha fatto un ottimo setup per questa scheda, peccato che la sua mente non sia estesa a tutte le altre main x79 by Asus.

    Appena esce Ivy ci dimenticheremo di questa piattaforma...per un poco

    Divertiamoci fin che si può

  8. #8
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007


    potete cambiare il titolo to cortesamente: X79 MEMORY OC GUIDE (4 Different IC) --- G.SkILL + ASUS Rampage IV Extreme

    piano piano con calma testerö tutti questi kit 6 kit differenti e 4 IC diversi sulla X79
    Flare PSC 2000 7-9-7 8GB
    RipjawsX PSC 2133 7-10-7 8GB
    RipjawsX BBSE 2133 8-9-8 8GB
    Snipers Hynix 1866 9-10-9 16GB
    RipjawsZ Hynix 2400 9-11-10 16GB
    PerfectStorn Hypers 2200 8-8-8 8GB is need i'll use this.

    1.05 VSSA and 1.20 VTT is good enough to get 2400 on both of my chips

    Testing RipjawsX BBSE 2133 8-9-8 8GB with tight timing and CL8 (enough to see CL9 )


    with 1.65 can do this

    2200 8-9-8-24-88 1T

    2260 8-10-8-24-88 1T

    2280 8-11-8-24-88 1T

    and Eah higher voltage and changing cpu strap to 125 can help 2333MHz easy 32m run

    Scales very well with higher Voltage (it's benchmark voltage not safe for you daily use)

    2400 8-11-8-24-88 1t

    2400 7-11-7-24-88 1t

  9. #9
    Amministratore L'avatar di giampa
    May 2002


    Sistemato il titolo

    Sono proprio curioso di vedere gli Hyper ...

    "Scusate, ma se quest'anno in Texas ci avete spedito questo deficiente, vuol dire che c'è speranza per tutti?"

  10. #10
    . L'avatar di Hiwa
    May 2007


    Originariamente inviato da giampa
    Sistemato il titolo

    Sono proprio curioso di vedere gli Hyper ...
    vanno peggio di tutti
    1.96 per prendere 2200 7-8-7 8GB
    stesse fanno 2200 7-8-7 6GB 1.62 sulla X58

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