AMD ha rilasciato ieri la suite di driver Catalyst 8.1 per schede video ATI Radeon.
Il supporto va dalle vecchie 9550 alla recentissima serie HD 3800 e sono da utilizzare in abbinamento ai sistemi operativi Windows XP e Windows Vista sia a 32bit che a 64bit.
I driver introducono varie ottimizzazioni in numerosi giochi, e per la prima volta implementano la tecnologia MultiView in abbinamento alle API OpenGL .
Questa nuova funzionalità in pratica permette quando si utilizzano più display di non avere degradi prestazionali nella grafica 3D nel passaggio dal display primario ai secondari.
Questo è l'elenco delle nuove features:
OpenGL: MultiView support
This release of Catalyst introduces MultiView support. This feature provides for full hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering across multiple graphics adapters setup in an extended desktop display configuration.
Questo invece l'elenco dei miglioramenti:
Bioshock: Flickering is no longer noticed during the cinematic introduction of the game.
Half-Life 2: Episode 2: Playing the game on a system containing an ATI Radeon HD 3800 series of product no longer results in the game failing to the desktop when CrossFire is enabled.
F.E.A.R.: A black screen no longer occurs when the display is set to 2048x1536 and the in-game AA option is enabled.
Lightsmark 2007: Running the benchmark no longer results in the robot character not being drawn properly.
Oblivion: Task switching between the game and the Windows Vista desktop no longer results in corruption being noticed when AA is enabled.
Oblivion: Flickering is no longer noticed when first making a move if the in-game settings are set to maximum, CrossFire is enabled and AF is set to 16X.
Oblivion: The game no longer fails and display corruption is no longer noticed when the game is minimized to desktop and then restored.
World In Conflict: The game no longer fails to the Windows desktop when the display resolution is set to 1280x768 and AF is set to 16X.
Call of Juarez and Stalker and Timeshift: Launching the games under Windows XP no longer results in intermittent corruption or flashing being noticed.
Enemy Territories Quake Wars v1.2: Flickering is no longer noticed when enabling Triple Buffering, setting AA to 8X and setting the display resolution to 2560x1600.
TianJi: Logging into the game no longer results in the function buttons not working and the system setting window failing to open.
World of Warcraft: Launching two game windows and switching between the game windows on a system with an Apple 30 inch display device no longer results in the game image failing to be drawn properly.
Google SketchUP: the application no longer fails to launch on systems running Windows XP and containing an ATI Radeon HD 2900 series of product.
Note: We have also released the Catalyst 8.1 Hotfix driver with the following fixes / enhancements
Fix for users having issues with their AGP ATI Radeon graphics card
Crysis DirectX 10 Crossfire performance optimizations
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