Sembra proprio che non l'avremo mai.
Imperterrito ed inarrestabile nella mia ricerca di informazioni ho scritto all'autore di CPUCOOL, dato che la a7a266 risulta tra le mobo supportate.
Ma, a quanto pare, solo per le altre funzionalita' del programma e non per la funzione di "raffrescamento".

A chi puo' interessare, ecco la sua risposta.

I tried it, but it results in a shutdown. There are bugs in the ALI chipset that prevents the forced cooling from working properly. I only did the other things, now you could set the PLL and read the SDRAM corectely. And the
voltages were wrong too.
Best regards


----- Original Message -----
On your site I read:

"Version 6.1.5 ALI chipset bug fix, ASUS A7A266 added, minor bug fixes "

I tried many version after this, and I cannot enabled IDLE cooling on my a7a266.

I tried the ATHLON option, the force cooling option, etc.

I tried many combination of O.S. (windows 2000, win98) and cpucool version.

My cpu temp never go down.

Currently, I'm using Windows 2000 (no cooling effects on my CPU by the OS alone) and bios 1006. Cpu is a Thunderbird 1333/266

Did you ever tried it on a actual a7a266 and see the cpu temp go down ?

Thank you for your time.