nuovi step per quad core da parte di Intel

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  1. #1
    exbibyte L'avatar di lore85bg
    Nov 2005
    Gandino (BG)

    Predefinito nuovi step per quad core da parte di Intel

    Santa Clara (CA) – Intel has informed its customers that the Core 2 Quad Q6600 desktop quad-core processor as well as the Xeon X3220 and X3210 server quad-core CPUs have been transitioned to a new stepping, which will allow customers to integrate the processors in computer systems using lower power flexible motherboards (FMB).

    According to a product change notification released on Friday, the three processors were transitioned from the B-3 to the G-0 processor stepping and can now run not only on 105 watt performance FMBs, but on 95 watt mainstream FMBs as well.

    The new CPUs, which can be identified by the CPUID “06FB” (B-3 processors were labeled “06F7”), also increase the Tcase, a value that describes the maximum temperature a CPU can sustain, by 11 degrees Celsius. According to Intel, this change will allow system builders to scale back cooling requirements and achieve lower system noise levels overall.

    All three G-0 CPUs require BIOS updates. Samples of the processors are expected to be available on May 11. General availability of the units is scheduled for July 16.

    Fonte: Tgdaily
    my Waterstation rev.01 rev.02 rev.03 ~ il mio cucciolo

  2. #2
    Moderatore L'avatar di betaxp86
    May 2003
    Genova, Italy


    Ottima innovazione, meno consumo e più tolleranza, raro che una cpu lavori al suo massimo termico in un desktop di fascia alta ma in altre soluzioni (spesso quelle più economiche) non è cosa rara vedere dissipatori intasati dalla polvere oppure ventole scadenti.

  3. #3
    Difensore del RAID L'avatar di lucagiordan
    May 2005


    queste son notizie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:furbo
    ma AMD è ancora in rianimazione o l'anno già trasferita al cimitero;1
    se non si muove a cacciare fuori sto barcellona ci rimetterà lira di dio
    CPU Intel i9-13900K / Sk Madre Asrock Z690 Extreme / RAM G. Skill 16x2GB DDR4 @3200MHz / Sk Video Intel integrata / HD XPG GAMING S70 Blade + 4TB x4 WD Red / ALI Termaltake Toughpower GF1-ARGB-850W / SK Audio Integrata / NZXT KraKen Z63 280 / Case Cooler Master Cosmos C700P / Masterizzatore Blue Ray e ligh scribe (che figata) LG BH10LS30 / Schermo AOC 27G2SAE

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