ah qualcosa c'é
codice:[17-02-05 13:05:00.6782] Slim::Formats::loadTagFormatForType (110) Error: Couldn't load module: (dsf) : [syntax error at (eval 1262) line 1, at EOF ]
ah qualcosa c'é
codice:[17-02-05 13:05:00.6782] Slim::Formats::loadTagFormatForType (110) Error: Couldn't load module: (dsf) : [syntax error at (eval 1262) line 1, at EOF ]
Come hai compilato sox? con ebuild?
Hai verificato che a mano (da riga di comando, scrivendo su file) funzioni?
oppure SSE2, a seconda di cosa supporta la CPU che hai. Presumo che in teoria dovrebbe abilitarli automaticamente, ma verificare non nuoce.
sì. Speriamo che prima o poi si decidano a fare il merge in quella ufficiale...
Ciao, Paolo.
«Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»
con la ebuild
si quello funzionacodice:sox -h sox: SoX v14.4.2 ..... AUDIO FILE FORMATS: 8svx aif aifc aiff aiffc al amb au avr caf cdda cdr cvs cvsd cvu dat dff dsf dvms f32 f4 f64 f8 fap flac fssd gsm gsrt hcom htk ima ircam la lpc lpc10 lu mat mat4 mat5 maud mp2 mp3 nist paf prc pvf raw s1 s16 s2 s24 s3 s32 s4 s8 sb sd2 sds sf sl sln smp snd sndfile sndr sndt sou sox sph sw txw u1 u16 u2 u24 u3 u32 u4 u8 ub ul uw vms voc vox w64 wav wavpcm wv wve xa xi PLAYLIST FORMATS: m3u pls AUDIO DEVICE DRIVERS: alsa pulseaudio
codice:sox -S -V3 file.wav -t dsf -b 1 test.dsf rate -v 2822400 sox: SoX v14.4.2 sox INFO formats: detected file format type `wav' Input File : 'file.wav' Channels : 2 Sample Rate : 44100 Precision : 32-bit Duration : 00:06:25.76 = 17012016 samples = 28932 CDDA sectors File Size : 136M Bit Rate : 2.82M Sample Encoding: 32-bit Signed Integer PCM Endian Type : little Reverse Nibbles: no Reverse Bits : no Output File : 'test.dsf' Channels : 2 Sample Rate : 2.8224e+06 Precision : 1-bit Duration : 00:06:25.76 = 1088769024 samples ~ 28932 CDDA sectors Sample Encoding: 1-bit Direct Stream Digital Endian Type : little Reverse Nibbles: no Reverse Bits : no Comment : 'Processed by SoX' sox INFO sox: effects chain: input 44100Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: rate 2.8224e+06Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: dither 2.8224e+06Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: output 2.8224e+06Hz 2 channels In:100% 00:06:25.76 [00:00:00.00] Out:1.09G [!=====|=====!] Hd:0.0 Clip:393 sox WARN rate: rate clipped 393 samples; decrease volume? Done.
Occhio, la riga 'manuale' non corrisponde a quella iche imposti per LMS, riesci a provare manualmentge la riga esattamente corrispondente a quella impostata da LMS?
o, se preferisci, viceversa, cioè provare in LMS questa:codice:FLAC -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 file.flac | sox -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -vMn 5644800 sdm -f sdm-8
[/CODE]codice:wav dsf * * # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v} [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400
la principale differenza tra le due versioni sta nell'uso dell'effetto sdm, bisognerebbe escludere un problema li, prima di indagare LMS, che a me fino al piunto di inserie correttamnete la riga di transcode arriva, poi non riesco a provarlo.
Per curiosità, prima compilavi la versione 14.4.2 'ufficiale' vero?
Purtroppo la pratica (vizio) di modificare e distribuire i sorgenti senza distinguere le versioni provoca questo tipo di situazioni...
Se metti player.source in DEBUG (Advanced logging, ricordati di spuntare l'opzione di manteere i setting all'avvio) e riavvi, dovresti trovare tra le altre una riga come questa:
[17-02-05 13:19:41.9703] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::loadConversionTables (106) input: 'wav' output: 'dsf' clienttype: '*': clientid: '*' [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -vMn 5644800sdm -f sdm-8
Quindi mandando in play dovresto trovare la 'solita' riga realtiva a "tokenized command" che riprota il comando completo e/o degli errori.
Magari posta il log.
Ciao, Marco.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
— E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE
codice:[17-02-05 14:38:04.9718] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9719] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9719] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9720] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9720] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9721] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9721] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9722] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9722] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9723] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250) enabled [17-02-05 14:38:04.9723] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252) Found command: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9724] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: wav->dsf via: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9725] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=F, streamformat=dsf [17-02-05 14:38:04.9726] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "/usr/bin/sox" -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 & | [17-02-05 14:38:04.9727] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "/usr/bin/sox" -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 & | [17-02-05 14:38:04.9753] Slim::Player::Song::open (630) Don't update the persistent DB - it's locked by the scanner. [17-02-05 14:38:04.9755] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=1 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9758] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1265) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: stream [17-02-05 14:38:04.9770] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1302) Song queue is now 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9771] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state BUFFERING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9771] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9772] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: NextTrackReady - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9773] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: Play - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9886] Slim::Player::Source::_wakeupOnReadable (409) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9888] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (350) Read to end of file or pipe [17-02-05 14:38:04.9889] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (373) end of file or error on socket, song pos: 0 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9889] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (378) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 mark end of stream [17-02-05 14:38:04.9890] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (386) Didn't stream any bytes for this song; mark it as failed [17-02-05 14:38:04.9891] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStreamingFailed (2228) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9891] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Problema: impossibile aprire il file per:: tmp:///media/Dati/Musica/file.wav [17-02-05 14:38:04.9894] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StreamingFailed in BUFFERING-STREAMING -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopNextIfMore [17-02-05 14:38:04.9895] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (284) params: errorDisconnect => undef [17-02-05 14:38:04.9896] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stop (603) Song queue is now 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9897] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::DESTROY (44) DESTROY(Slim::Player::SongStreamController=HASH(0x9de66c0)) live=0 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9898] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state STOPPED [17-02-05 14:38:04.9898] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state IDLE [17-02-05 14:38:04.9899] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry (1391) no retry data [17-02-05 14:38:04.9901] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9901] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StreamingFailed - new state STOPPED-IDLE [17-02-05 14:38:05.0160] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0160] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0161] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0162] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0162] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if wav-dsf-*-* is enabled [17-02-05 14:38:05.0163] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 13 disabled formats... [17-02-05 14:38:05.0163] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-aif-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0164] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0165] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0165] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-alc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0166] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0166] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0167] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0167] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0168] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0168] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0169] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0169] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0170] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0170] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250) enabled [17-02-05 14:38:05.0171] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252) Found command: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0172] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: wav->dsf via: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0173] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0174] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0174] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0175] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0175] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if wav-dsf-*-* is enabled [17-02-05 14:38:05.0176] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 13 disabled formats... [17-02-05 14:38:05.0176] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-aif-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0177] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0177] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0178] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-alc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0178] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0179] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0179] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing alc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0180] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0180] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0181] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0181] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0182] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-mp3-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0182] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0183] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250) enabled [17-02-05 14:38:05.0183] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252) Found command: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0184] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: wav->dsf via: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0304] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:09.0006] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:13.0012] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:17.0036] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:22.0006] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:26.0031] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:31.0021] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:36.0010] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:40.0015] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:44.0031] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:49.0021] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:54.0011] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:38:58.0046] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:39:03.0013] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:39:07.0006] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp [17-02-05 14:39:11.0046] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOpcodice:17-02-05 14:38:04.9722] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-pcm-*-* vs wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:04.9723] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250) enabled [17-02-05 14:38:04.9723] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252) Found command: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9724] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: wav->dsf via: [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9725] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=F, streamformat=dsf [17-02-05 14:38:04.9726] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "/usr/bin/sox" -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 & | [17-02-05 14:38:04.9727] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "/usr/bin/sox" -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -v 2822400 & | [17-02-05 14:38:04.9753] Slim::Player::Song::open (630) Don't update the persistent DB - it's locked by the scanner. [17-02-05 14:38:04.9755] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=1 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9758] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1265) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: stream [17-02-05 14:38:04.9770] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1302) Song queue is now 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9771] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state BUFFERING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9771] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9772] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: NextTrackReady - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9773] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: Play - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING [17-02-05 14:38:04.9886] Slim::Player::Source::_wakeupOnReadable (409) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9888] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (350) Read to end of file or pipe [17-02-05 14:38:04.9889] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (373) end of file or error on socket, song pos: 0 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9889] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (378) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 mark end of stream [17-02-05 14:38:04.9890] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (386) Didn't stream any bytes for this song; mark it as failed [17-02-05 14:38:04.9891] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStreamingFailed (2228) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9891] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Problema: impossibile aprire il file per:: tmp:///media/Dati/Musica/file.wav [17-02-05 14:38:04.9894] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (273) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StreamingFailed in BUFFERING-STREAMING -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopNextIfMore [17-02-05 14:38:04.9895] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (284) params: errorDisconnect => undef [17-02-05 14:38:04.9896] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stop (603) Song queue is now 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9897] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::DESTROY (44) DESTROY(Slim::Player::SongStreamController=HASH(0x9de66c0)) live=0 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9898] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state STOPPED [17-02-05 14:38:04.9898] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state IDLE [17-02-05 14:38:04.9899] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry (1391) no retry data [17-02-05 14:38:04.9901] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 6 [17-02-05 14:38:04.9901] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: StreamingFailed - new state STOPPED-IDLE [17-02-05 14:38:05.0160] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0160] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-00:e0:4c:68:d1:46 [17-02-05 14:38:05.0161] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-squeezelite-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0162] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: wav-dsf-*-* [17-02-05 14:38:05.0162] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if wav-dsf-*-* is enabled [17-02-05 14:38:05.0163] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 13 disabled formats...
no, per carità... se non metti sdm non ottieni DSD, ma PCM a 2822400/32bit! Non so poi cosa accada specificando dsf come formato di output. Probabilmente chiama automaticamente "dither" per ridurre a 1bit... che magari "funziona", ma viene fuori uno schifo.
io l'ho fatto... e funziona. Se ha compilato la versione giusta, dovrebbe funzionare anche a lui. Comunque indubbiamente è una verifica da fare.
non riesce ad aprire il file??
Ciao, Paolo.
«Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»
Perdonatemi, non trovo la discussione da cui siete partiti... Me la linkate?
Ditemi di preciso cosa dovrei verificare con il comando di sox e cosa mettere nel convert
da qui: http://www.nexthardware.com/forum/pc...tml#post971386
BTW: se qualche moderatore potesse spostare qui i relativi post (che tra l'altro di la sono OT) penso farebbe cosa utile e gradita.
da riga di comando, ad es. così:
(e fin qui, funziona)codice:sox -S -V3 infile.flac -t dsf -b 1 outfile.dsf rate -vMn $[ 2* 2822400 ] sdm -f sdm-8
In convert.conf dovrebbe essere ad es. così:
...ma questo invece non sono (ancora) riuscito a farlo andare.codice:wav dsf * * # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v} [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t flac - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -vMn 5644800 sdm -f sdm-8 flac dsf * * # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v} [flac] -ds --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t dsf -b 1 - rate -vMn 5644800 sdm -f sdm-8
Ciao, Paolo.
«Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»
anche a me
codice:sox -S -V3 file.flac -t dsf -b 1 outfile.dsf rate -vMn $[ 2* 2822400 ] sdm -f sdm-8 sox: SoX v14.4.2 sox INFO formats: detected file format type `flac' Input File : 'file.flac' Channels : 2 Sample Rate : 44100 Precision : 16-bit Duration : 00:04:32.60 = 12021660 samples = 20445 CDDA sectors File Size : 28.4M Bit Rate : 832k Sample Encoding: 16-bit FLAC Endian Type : little Reverse Nibbles: no Reverse Bits : no Comments : TITLE=Close your eyes and listen ARTIST=Astor Piazzolla & Gerry Mulligan ALBUM=Summit - Reunion Cumbre TRACKNUMBER=02 DATE=1974 GENRE=Jazz Comment=EAC Flac 1.1.2-5 Output File : 'outfile.dsf' Channels : 2 Sample Rate : 5.6448e+06 Precision : 1-bit Duration : 00:04:32.60 = 1538772480 samples ~ 20445 CDDA sectors Sample Encoding: 1-bit Direct Stream Digital Endian Type : little Reverse Nibbles: no Reverse Bits : no Comments : TITLE=Close your eyes and listen ARTIST=Astor Piazzolla & Gerry Mulligan ALBUM=Summit - Reunion Cumbre TRACKNUMBER=02 DATE=1974 GENRE=Jazz Comment=EAC Flac 1.1.2-5 sox INFO sox: effects chain: input 44100Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: rate 5.6448e+06Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: sdm 5.6448e+06Hz 2 channels sox INFO sox: effects chain: output 5.6448e+06Hz 2 channels In:100% 00:04:32.60 [00:00:00.00] Out:1.54G [!=====|=====!] Hd:0.0 Clip:0 Done.
qui c'é qualcosa che non va
mi trovo una voce in piú in dsf invece di trovarmela in flac...in wav invece é ok
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