Qualche notizia da Miska sulla convoluzione prossima ventura:

I'm working on more flexible channel routing for cross-over filters and such, tentatively targeting 3.6.0 version. At the moment channel mapping is 1:1, so mostly useful for room correction. But since 2.x versions, there has been possibility to load 8 filters, one per each channel. Format is mono-WAV.

Has been working fine for me with Acourate generated room correction filters.

I have not yet decided how the setup will be for the more flexible routing, most likely it is expected to be in form of XML that one can write in Notepad or such. Graphical editor would be either limiting or very complex, so a XML could be used as description language and then later it would be possible to create GUI for it. This would also allow other applications to export suitable configurations straight.