Upsampling con LMS e Squeezelite, terza puntata

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  1. #51
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    No non va Marco
    [15-10-17 08:55:58.1647] main::init (383) Starting Logitech Media Server (v7.9.0, 1443102866, Fri Sep 25 04:04:57 CUT 2015) perl 5.014001
    [15-10-17 08:55:59.4396] Plugins::Qobuz::Plugin::__ANON__ (42) Success: using Text::LevenshteinXS to speed Qobuz up.
    [15-10-17 08:57:26.9380] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at /Slim/Networking/IO/ line 134.
    ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa1b8c74)
    [15-10-17 08:57:32.7448] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at /Slim/Networking/IO/ line 134.
    ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa19e7b4)
    [15-10-17 08:57:32.7450] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at /Slim/Networking/IO/ line 134.
    Forse ho capito, ma fare il debug a distanza è un dramma...

    1. Metti la I nel custom-convert , come hai già fatto.

    2. Modifica custom convert come segue:

    flc pcm * *
    	# IFRT:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$

    3. Modifica lo script come segue:

    Alla linea 437:

    	set OK=1
    	if "%binDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%C3PObinDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%clientId%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	@rem if "%inURI%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    Spero di non aver fatto errori o dimenticato qualcosa, comunque lo script cambierà un bel po quindi vorrei essere sicuro che il comando funzioni
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  2. #52
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    Forse ho capito, ma fare il debug a distanza è un dramma...

    1. Metti la I nel custom-convert , come hai già fatto.

    2. Modifica custom convert come segue:

    flc pcm * *
    	# IFRT:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$

    3. Modifica lo script come segue:

    Alla linea 437:

    	set OK=1
    	if "%binDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%C3PObinDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%clientId%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	@rem if "%inURI%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    Spero di non aver fatto errori o dimenticato qualcosa, comunque lo script cambierà un bel po quindi vorrei essere sicuro che il comando funzioni
    Marco la linea da me é 410
    modificata cosi
    	set OK=1
    	if "%binDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%C3PObinDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%clientId%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	@rem if "%inURI%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	set %1=%OK%
    	goto :end
    Questo in conf

    flc pcm * *
    	# IRFT:{URI=-f %f}R:{URI=-f %F}T:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $URI$ $RESAMPLE$
    Non va

  3. #53
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Marco la linea da me é 410
    modificata cosi
    	set OK=1
    	if "%binDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%C3PObinDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%clientId%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	@rem if "%inURI%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	set %1=%OK%
    	goto :end
    Questo in conf

    flc pcm * *
    	# IRFT:{URI=-f %f}R:{URI=-f %F}T:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $URI$ $RESAMPLE$
    Non va
    non hai modificato il custom convert come da punto 2:

    flc pcm * *

    # IFRT:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$

    Prova per favore
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  4. #54
    Aug 2011


    Niente Marco non va uguale

  5. #55
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Niente Marco non va uguale
    Senza poter fare prove vado a tastoni...

    Io ho un ambiente modificato dove ho inserito un mare di messaggi di debug, ma proviamo a fare così:

    a. Nelle imppostazioni avanzate del server, alla voce Registrazioni spunta "mantieni al riavvio" ed imposta la voce player.source a DEBUG,
    quindi prova ad aprire qualcosa su QUBOZ e guarda il log del server.

    Se ci va bene, dovresti trovare, in mezzo alle tante righe, la trasposizione del comando che il server manda effettivamente in esecuzione.

    Se la trovi, postala per favore.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #56
    Aug 2011



    [15-10-17 17:11:48.0012] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp
    [15-10-17 17:11:53.0016] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp
    [15-10-17 17:11:58.0014] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8459] Slim::Player::StreamingController::stop (2106) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8461] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Stop in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8462] Slim::Player::Song::DESTROY (160) DESTROY(Slim::Player::Song=ARRAY(0x9b573a4)) live=0: index=11, url=qobuz://26511342.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8463] Slim::Player::StreamingController::resetSongqueue (1788) Song queue is now 
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8510] Slim::Player::StreamingController::play (2109) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8511] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Play in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopGetNext
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8512] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (284) params: index => 0 seekdata => undef
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8514] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2366) new playing state STOPPED
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8515] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state IDLE
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8517] Slim::Player::Song::new (108) index 0 -> qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8519] Slim::Player::Song::new (150) live=1
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8520] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state TRACKWAIT
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8524] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Recupero informazioni sullo stream in corso...: qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8526] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229) qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8527] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (251) scanning URL qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8528] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229) qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8538] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Play - new state STOPPED-TRACKWAIT
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8550] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: StatusHeartbeat in STOPPED-TRACKWAIT -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8741] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8742] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8743] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8744] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8745] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8746] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8747] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8747] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8748] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8749] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8750] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8751] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8752] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8753] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8753] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8754] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8755] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8756] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8757] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8758] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8759] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8760] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8761] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8762] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8763] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8763] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8764] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8765] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8766] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8767] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8768] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8769] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8770] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8770] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8771] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8772] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8773] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8774] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8775] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8776] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8776] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8777] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8778] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8779] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8780] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8781] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8782] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8783] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8783] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8784] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8785] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-aif-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8786] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8787] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-aif-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8788] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-aif-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8789] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8789] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8790] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8791] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8792] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-pcm-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8793] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8794] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8795] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8795] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8796] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8797] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$
    [15-10-17 17:11:59.8798] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2064] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady (737) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: nextTrack will be index 0
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2065] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady in STOPPED-TRACKWAIT -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2066] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1215) Song queue is now 0
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2067] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1218) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: preparing to stream song index 0
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2068] Slim::Player::Song::open (363) qobuz://27082984.flac
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2070] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=2
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2072] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2073] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2074] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2074] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2075] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2076] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2077] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2078] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2079] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2080] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2081] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2081] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2082] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2083] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2084] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2085] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2086] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-alc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2087] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2087] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2088] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2089] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wma-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2090] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2091] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2092] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2093] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmap-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2094] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2094] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2095] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2096] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-wmal-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2097] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2098] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2099] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2100] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aac-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2100] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2101] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2102] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2103] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-ogg-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2104] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2105] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2106] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2106] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2107] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2108] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2109] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2110] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2111] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2112] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2112] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2114] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2115] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-aif-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2116] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-aif-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2116] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2117] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-aif-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2118] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-aif-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2119] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2120] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2121] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2122] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2122] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-pcm-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2123] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2124] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2125] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2126] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2127] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2128] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2129] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2130] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=I, streamformat=pcm
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2131] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no direct streaming) using Plugins::Qobuz::ProtocolHandler [qobuz://27082984.flac]
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5884] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song (audio): qobuz://27082984.flac, type=flc
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5886] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5887] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5909] Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (96) Launching process with command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\socketwrapper.exe"  -D -i 59502  -w -o 59501 -c "\"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe\" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -"
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5987] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=1
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5991] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1277) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: stream
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5997] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1314) Song queue is now 0
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5998] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2366) new playing state BUFFERING
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6000] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state STREAMING
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6001] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6258] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptWriter (236) Pipeline writer connected
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6260] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptReader (203) Pipeline reader connected
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6318] Slim::Player::Pipeline::sysread (282) Pipeline doesn't have pending bytes - trying to get some from source
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6320] Slim::Player::Pipeline::sysread (304) Attempting to write to pipeline writer
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6321] Slim::Player::Pipeline::sysread (310) Wrote 2526 bytes to pipeline writer
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.6322] Slim::Player::Pipeline::sysread (282) Pipeline doesn't have pending bytes - trying to get some from source
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.7246] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1147) Buffering... 0 / 261120
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.7258] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: StatusHeartbeat in BUFFERING-STREAMING -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_NoOp

  7. #57
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013



    le righe interessanti sono queste:

    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2129] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $FILE$ $RESAMPLE$
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2130] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=I, streamformat=pcm
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.2131] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no direct streaming) using Plugins::Qobuz::ProtocolHandler [qobuz://27082984.flac]
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5884] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song (audio): qobuz://27082984.flac, type=flc
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5886] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5887] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -
    [15-10-17 17:12:00.5909] Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (96) Launching process with command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\socketwrapper.exe" -D -i 59502 -w -o 59501 -c "\"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe\" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -"

    che tradotte sono:

    C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -

    se sostituisci C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1... con la reale cartella di i nstallazione, hai il comando con cui viene lanciato C-3PO:

    C-3PO.exe -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -

    se editi il .bat e commenti l'esecuzione del comando ed abili la chiama a display, potresti lanciare il bat esattamente con gli stessi parametri e vedere cosa dice, ma il problema è già chiaro: non c'è il riferimento all'imput...

    ed infatti, viene lanciato in PIPE con

    "socketwrapper.exe" -D -i 59502 -w -o 59501 -c "\"C-3PO.exe\" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -"

    per fare una prova puoi provare a modificare il bat e lanciare

    "socketwrapper.exe" -D -i 59502 -w -o 59501 -c "\"C-3PO.bat\" -c 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 -i flc -o wav -"

    ma credo che -i 59502 -o 59501 abbiano un significato che vale solo per quell'esecuzione specifica... Bisogna indagare socketwrapper.exe

    Prova, per cortesia, a ripristinae il convert.conf per come funziona, mantenedo i setting di debug e vedere come esce il comando, forse capiamo che meccanismo usa per la pipe e lo copiamo...
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  8. #58
    Aug 2011



    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1994] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1995] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1996] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1997] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1998] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=2
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1999] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2000] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2001] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2002] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2003] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2004] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2005] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2056] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2058] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2059] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=I, streamformat=pcm
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2060] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no direct streaming) using Plugins::Qobuz::ProtocolHandler [qobuz://27471007.flac]
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4457] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song (audio): qobuz://27471007.flac, type=flc
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4459] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4460] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4481] Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (96) Launching process with command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\socketwrapper.exe"  -D -i 51134  -w -o 51133 -c "\"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe\" -dcs -- - | \"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe\" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S"
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4568] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=1
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4571] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1277) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: stream
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4578] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1314) Song queue is now 0
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4579] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2366) new playing state BUFFERING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4580] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4581] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4582] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Play - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4855] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptReader (203) Pipeline reader connected
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4859] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptWriter (236) Pipeline writer connected
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5101] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5102] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5103] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5104] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5105] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5106] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5107] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5108] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5109] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5109] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29

  9. #59
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli

    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1994] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-pcm-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1995] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1996] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1997] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1998] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=2
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.1999] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2000] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2001] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2002] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2003] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2004] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2005] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2056] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2058] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2059] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=I, streamformat=pcm
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.2060] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no direct streaming) using Plugins::Qobuz::ProtocolHandler [qobuz://27471007.flac]
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4457] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song (audio): qobuz://27471007.flac, type=flc
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4459] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4460] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4481] Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (96) Launching process with command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\socketwrapper.exe"  -D -i 51134  -w -o 51133 -c "\"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe\" -dcs -- - | \"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe\" -q -t wav - -t wav -r 352800 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v -M -a -b 90.7 352800 dither -S"
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4568] Slim::Player::SongStreamController::new (31) live=1
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4571] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1277) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: stream
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4578] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1314) Song queue is now 0
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4579] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2366) new playing state BUFFERING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4580] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4581] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4582] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Play - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4855] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptReader (203) Pipeline reader connected
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.4859] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptWriter (236) Pipeline writer connected
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5101] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5102] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 3 disabled formats...
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5103] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5104] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5105] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (227) ** flc-flc-*-* Disabled **
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5106] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5107] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5108] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-squeezelite-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5109] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dsf-*-*
    [15-10-18 00:14:09.5109] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (242) Checking formats for: flc-dff-squeezelite-50:e5:49:cc:b4:29

    Trovato (forse)

    l'arcano è una - nel comando flac, da mettere se non c'è il file di input (...era ovvio...).

    puoi provare arisolvere in diversi modi:

    in custom-convert.conf:

    flc pcm * *
    	# I:{URI=-f -}F:{URI=-f %f}R:{URI=-f %F}T:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $URI$ $RESAMPLE$
    Non dovesse andare, attorno alla riga 230 del bat devi aggiungere la parte in grassetto. Con convert conf originario, aggiungendo solo la I dovrebbe andare (anche con quello modificato ai post precedenti, comunque).

    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (goto :end)
    	if %outFormat%=="flac" (set outFormat=flc)
    	if "%inURI%"=="" (set "inURI=-")
            goto :end
    Fammi sapere che sistemo nella nuova release.
    Ultima modifica di marcoc1712 : 18-10-2015 a 00:44
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  10. #60
    Aug 2011


    Allora con la stringa di sopra in convert, non va

    Aggiunta riga al bat
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (goto :end)
    	if %outFormat%=="flc" (set outFormat=flc&goto :end)
    	if "%inURI%"=="" (set "inURI=-")
    	goto :end
    @rem -- handle parameters coming from the LMS query --------------------------------
    Comprese le modifiche di prima eh
    	set OK=1
    	if "%binDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%C3PObinDir%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%clientId%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outFormat%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	@rem if "%inURI%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%inChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSamplerate%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outBitDepth%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outEndianess%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outSigned%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	if "%outChannels%"=="" (set OK=0)
    	set %1=%OK%
    	goto :end

    + questa in convert

    flc pcm * *
    	# IF:{URI=-f %f}R:{URI=-f %F}T:{START=-t %t}U:{END=-v %v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
    	[C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -i flc -o wav $START$ $END$ $URI$ $RESAMPLE$

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