DSD in LMS con SOX

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  1. #551
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    MI servirebbe verificare una condizione specifica:

    a. verificato che il DAC sia in grado di riprodurre DSD almeno 128x
    b. verificato che squeezelite sia impostato per riprodurre DSD (nativo o dop non conta) almeno DSD128.
    c. impostato il loggin di sistema (In Settings->Advanced):

    - plugin.c-3PO = INFO.

    d. impostato C-3PO come segue:


    -- DSF abilitato
    -- DFF Abilitato

    - PLAYER

    -- DSD64 abilitato
    -- DSD128 abilitato
    -- altri DSD abilitati o disabilitati, è indifferente.

    -- DSF disbilitato x 'seek'
    -- DSF disabilitato x StdIn
    -- DSF abilitato per transcoding
    -- DSF abilitato per resampling

    -- DFF come DSF.

    -- FLAC come DSF.

    -- WAV come DSF + abilitato per seek.

    - PLAYER (o generali SE quelle per player sono bloccate):

    -- Resample Always
    -- Target Sample Rate: Max synchronous
    -- output format: dsf

    il resto lasciatelo al default o come vi pare, ma evitate, per favore, extra effects.

    Vorrei verificare che nel log (o nel terminale) si presenti una situazione come questa:

    [17-02-22 14:38:36.5881] Plugins::C3PO::Plugin::_setupTranscoder (1335) commandTable: {
      "aif-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i aif -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "aif-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "alc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i alc -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "alc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "dff-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i dff -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "dff-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "dsf-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i dsf -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "dsf-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "flc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", I => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[flac] -dcs --totally-silent \$START\$ \$END\$ -- \$FILE\$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t dsf -b 1 -  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 5644800  sdm",
                                         profile      => "flc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "wav-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => {
                                                           D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d",
                                                           F => "noArgs",
                                                           R => "noArgs",
                                                           T => "START=-s %s",
                                                           U => "END=-w %w",
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i wav -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "wav-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
    dove, ovviamente il mac address è il vostro.

    Mandando quindi in play un brano in formato DSD64, nel file di log di C-3PO (v. ultima riga dei settings generali per la posizione) dovrebbe comparire qualcosa del genere:

    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :128 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: testfile: F:\dsf_2822400.dsf 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset             => 92,
                audio_size               => 91_308_032,
                bits_per_sample          => 1,
                "block_size_per_channel" => 4096,
                channels                 => 2,
                file_size                => 91_308_124,
                jenkins_hash             => "1093115105",
                samplerate               => 2_822_400,
                song_length_ms           => 129_400,
      tags => {},
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: isDsdIm: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file dsdrate: 64 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :          176400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              192000 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: execute command  : G":\Sviluppo\slimserver\Plugins\C3PO\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t dsf "F:\dsf_2822400.dsf" -t dsf -b 1 - lowpass -2 22000  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 5644800  sdm
    Mi interessa sapere il valore di forced Samplerate che a me risulta 176KHz, viste le caratteristiche della mia scheda, ma vorrei capire coa ritorna in una scheda DSD capable di DSD128 o superiori (temo 768KHz al massimo).

    Ripetendo la prova con un file wav 44100/16 in ingresso, si dovrebbe ottenere qualcosa di analogo:

    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :128 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: testfile: F:\wav_16_44100.wav 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset    => 44,
                audio_size      => 22_826_160,
                bitrate         => 1_411_200,
                bits_per_sample => 16,
                block_align     => 4,
                channels        => 2,
                dlna_profile    => "LPCM",
                file_size       => 22_827_212,
                "format"        => 1,
                id3_version     => "ID3v2.3.0",
                jenkins_hash    => "2546013501",
                samplerate      => 44_100,
                song_length_ms  => 129_399,
      tags => {
                COMM => [
                          "Generated by: Mymusic v. 1.2 beta TEMPLATE: Logitech SqueezeServer Scan::PlayList::CUE v. 7.5.0",
                IART => "Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni",
                ICMT => "Generated by: Mymusic v. 1.2 beta TEMPLATE: Logitech SqueezeServer Scan::PlayList::CUE v. 7.5.0",
                ICRD => 1981,
                IGNR => "classica",
                INAM => "Violin Concerto No. 1 in B-flat major: I. Allegro",
                IPRD => "12 Violin Concertos, Op. 10 (I Solisti Veneti feat. conductor: Claudio Scimone) (disc 1)",
                ITRK => 1,
                TALB => "12 Violin Concertos, Op. 10 (I Solisti Veneti feat. conductor: Claudio Scimone) (disc 1)",
                TCON => "classica",
                TDRC => 1981,
                TIT2 => "Violin Concerto No. 1 in B-flat major: I. Allegro",
                TPE1 => "Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni",
                TRCK => "1/18",
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 16 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :           
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              192000 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 03:26:39 2017] INFO: execute command  : G":\Sviluppo\slimserver\Plugins\C3PO\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav "F:\wav_16_44100.wav" -t dsf -b 1 -  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 5644800  sdm
    Il che significa che NON è solo Squeezelite ad essere coinvolta, anche LMS ci mette del suo, in base al formato di input, complicando le cose.

    Ripetendo la prova con un file FLAC, C-3PO (eseguibile) non è coinvolto, quindi non produce log, ma eventualmente si può verificare nel log del server, a me non funziona, come già descritto, ma vorrei sapere se con una scheda capace di DSD128 funziona.

    Sarebbe interessante vedere il log del server, impostando player.source = INFO nel logging.

    Grazie per la collaborazione.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  2. #552
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da UnixMan
    mmh, quale file, dove? questo?




    c'è solo la directory:


    Ecco il problema...

    Prova a copiare /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/C-3PO.pl in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/Bin/C-3PO e renderlo eseguibile.

    Originariamente inviato da UnixMan
    inizialmente suonava, con il comando che c'è in convert.conf.

    Poi ho provato a dirgli di uscire in PCM, ma LMS ha prodotto ugualmente una riga di comando per DSD... e dalle casse sono usciti soltanto una serie di rumoracci...

    Questo è strano, prova per cortesia a seguire la procedura che ho descritto (dopo aver risolto con l'eseguibile) e vediamo passo passo.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  3. #553
    Aug 2011


    anche DSD>DSD funziona

  4. #554
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    ho impostato cosi (sono in win)

    Mi sembra che manchi una casella di attivazione al passo 1

    ma vedo sempre troppe opzioni attive in tipi di file

    per adesso ho provato solo conversione Flac>DSD e é OK

    esce con questa linea di comando

    Mi sa che devo togliere il gain -3 che ho messo io
    Non so perchè, ma solo quotando vedo l'ultima part edel messaggio, ma mi spiace la riga non la leggo proprio (son cecato).

    Per il resto:

    a. la CB per il primo passo di filtro non c'è perchè è obbligatorio. Lo strano è piuttosto che il valore non sia impostato a 22 come da default (33,44,48 per gli altri) verifico.

    b. Tipi Files, ti riferisci a dsf-dsf Natve? Quello, almeno per il momento, è da disabilitare manualmente, lo sistemerò, ma tienimi marcato se no me lo dimentico...

    c. flac->dsf, ottimo! Riesci a postarmi il LOG del server quando imposta i comandi e converte FLAC? (v. procedura più sopra).

    Mi sembra buono come primo risultato, adesso parte la caccia ai bugs.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  5. #555
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    anche DSD>DSD funziona
    Ma quella riga da dove viene? Log del server o di C-3PO?
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #556
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    Ma quella riga da dove viene? Log del server o di C-3PO?
    Dal taskmanager di windows

  7. #557
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    MI servirebbe verificare una condizione specifica:

    a. verificato che il DAC sia in grado di riprodurre DSD almeno 128x
    b. verificato che squeezelite sia impostato per riprodurre DSD (nativo o dop non conta) almeno DSD128.
    c. impostato il loggin di sistema (In Settings->Advanced):

    - plugin.c-3PO = INFO.

    d. impostato C-3PO come segue:


    -- DSF abilitato
    -- DFF Abilitato

    - PLAYER

    -- DSD64 abilitato
    -- DSD128 abilitato
    -- altri DSD abilitati o disabilitati, è indifferente.

    -- DSF disbilitato x 'seek'
    -- DSF disabilitato x StdIn
    -- DSF abilitato per transcoding
    -- DSF abilitato per resampling

    -- DFF come DSF.

    -- FLAC come DSF.

    -- WAV come DSF + abilitato per seek.

    - PLAYER (o generali SE quelle per player sono bloccate):

    -- Resample Always
    -- Target Sample Rate: Max synchronous
    -- output format: dsf

    il resto lasciatelo al default o come vi pare, ma evitate, per favore, extra effects.

    Vorrei verificare che nel log (o nel terminale) si presenti una situazione come questa:

    [17-02-22 14:38:36.5881] Plugins::C3PO::Plugin::_setupTranscoder (1335) commandTable: {
      "aif-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i aif -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "aif-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "alc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i alc -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "alc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "dff-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i dff -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "dff-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "dsf-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i dsf -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "dsf-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "flc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => { D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d", F => "noArgs", I => "noArgs", R => "noArgs" },
                                         command      => "[flac] -dcs --totally-silent \$START\$ \$END\$ -- \$FILE\$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t dsf -b 1 -  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 5644800  sdm",
                                         profile      => "flc-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
      "wav-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02" => {
                                         capabilities => {
                                                           D => "RESAMPLE=-r %d",
                                                           F => "noArgs",
                                                           R => "noArgs",
                                                           T => "START=-s %s",
                                                           U => "END=-w %w",
                                         command      => "[C-3PO] -c \$CLIENTID\$ -p \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Dati applicazioni\\SqueezeboxTest\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs\" -l \"C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\All Users\\\\Dati applicazio
    ni\\\\SqueezeboxTest\\\\logs\" -x \"G:/Sviluppo/slimserver\" -i wav -o dsf \$START\$ \$END\$ \$RESAMPLE\$ \$FILE\$ --nodebuglog",
                                         profile      => "wav-dsf-*-e8:de:27:03:05:02",
    dove, ovviamente il mac address è il vostro.

    Mandando quindi in play un brano in formato DSD64, nel file di log di C-3PO (v. ultima riga dei settings generali per la posizione) dovrebbe comparire qualcosa del genere:

    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :128 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:58 2017] INFO: testfile: F:\dsf_2822400.dsf 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset             => 92,
                audio_size               => 91_308_032,
                bits_per_sample          => 1,
                "block_size_per_channel" => 4096,
                channels                 => 2,
                file_size                => 91_308_124,
                jenkins_hash             => "1093115105",
                samplerate               => 2_822_400,
                song_length_ms           => 129_400,
      tags => {},
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: isDsdIm: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file dsdrate: 64 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :          176400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              192000 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          5644800 
    [Wed Feb 22 14:38:59 2017] INFO: execute command  : G":\Sviluppo\slimserver\Plugins\C3PO\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t dsf "F:\dsf_2822400.dsf" -t dsf -b 1 - lowpass -2 22000  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 5644800  sdm
    Mi interessa sapere il valore di forced Samplerate che a me risulta 176KHz, viste le caratteristiche della mia scheda, ma vorrei capire coa ritorna in una scheda DSD capable di DSD128 o superiori (temo 768KHz al massimo).
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :256 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: testfile: C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\Sacd_dsf\GROOVE ARMADA - VERTIGO\01 - Groove Armada - Chicago.dsf 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset             => 92,
                audio_size               => 313_376_768,
                bits_per_sample          => 1,
                "block_size_per_channel" => 4096,
                channels                 => 2,
                file_size                => 313_376_986,
                id3_version              => "ID3v2.3.0",
                jenkins_hash             => 378_249_474,
                samplerate               => 2_822_400,
                song_length_ms           => 444_120,
      tags => {
                TALB => "VERTIGO",
                TCON => "Pop",
                TDRC => "2002-07-11",
                TIT2 => "Chicago",
                TPE1 => "Groove Armada",
                TRCK => 1,
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: isDsdIm: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file dsdrate: 64 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :          352800 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              384000 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: execute command  : C":\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t dsf "C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\Sacd_dsf\GROOVE ARMADA - VERTIGO\01 - Groove Armada - Chicago.dsf" -t dsf -b 1 - lowpass -2 50000  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600  sdm -f sdm-8

  8. #558
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :256 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: testfile: C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\Sacd_dsf\GROOVE ARMADA - VERTIGO\01 - Groove Armada - Chicago.dsf 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset             => 92,
                audio_size               => 313_376_768,
                bits_per_sample          => 1,
                "block_size_per_channel" => 4096,
                channels                 => 2,
                file_size                => 313_376_986,
                id3_version              => "ID3v2.3.0",
                jenkins_hash             => 378_249_474,
                samplerate               => 2_822_400,
                song_length_ms           => 444_120,
      tags => {
                TALB => "VERTIGO",
                TCON => "Pop",
                TDRC => "2002-07-11",
                TIT2 => "Chicago",
                TPE1 => "Groove Armada",
                TRCK => 1,
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: isDsdIm: 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file dsdrate: 64 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :          352800 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              2822400 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              384000 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: execute command  : C":\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t dsf "C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\Sacd_dsf\GROOVE ARMADA - VERTIGO\01 - Groove Armada - Chicago.dsf" -t dsf -b 1 - lowpass -2 50000  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600  sdm -f sdm-8
    352800 è il massimo samplerate in PCM della tua scheda (o impostato in squeezelite), corretto?
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  9. #559
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    352800 è il massimo samplerate in PCM della tua scheda (o impostato in squeezelite), corretto?
    Si, è la massima sincro.

    file wav
    [Wed Feb 22 16:13:41 2017] INFO: execute command  : C":\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t dsf "C:\Users\filippo\Desktop\Sacd_dsf\GROOVE ARMADA - VERTIGO\01 - Groove Armada - Chicago.dsf" -t dsf -b 1 - lowpass -2 50000  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600  sdm -f sdm-8 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :256 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: testfile: E:\Musica\file.wav 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset    => 44,
                audio_size      => 136_096_128,
                bitrate         => 2_822_400,
                bits_per_sample => 32,
                block_align     => 8,
                channels        => 2,
                file_size       => 136_096_172,
                "format"        => 1,
                jenkins_hash    => "3486789984",
                samplerate      => 44_100,
                song_length_ms  => 385_760,
      tags => {},
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 32 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :           
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              384000 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:23:59 2017] INFO: execute command  : C":\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav "E:\Musica\file.wav" -t dsf -b 1 -  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600  sdm -f sdm-8 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: Running as Transcoder 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :256 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: dsdrate :undef 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: testfile: E:\Musica\DA_CANCELLARE\DJ Krush - Zen\(01) [DJ Krush] Song 1.wav 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: AudioScan: {
      info => {
                audio_offset    => 116,
                audio_size      => 56_213_504,
                bitrate         => 1_411_200,
                bits_per_sample => 16,
                block_align     => 4,
                channels        => 2,
                dlna_profile    => "LPCM",
                file_size       => 56_214_047,
                "format"        => 1,
                id3_version     => "ID3v2.3.0",
                jenkins_hash    => "3458093476",
                samplerate      => 44_100,
                song_length_ms  => 318_670,
      tags => {
                COMM  => ["eng", "", "Track 2"],
                IART  => "DJ Krush",
                ICMT  => "Track 2",
                IGNR  => " ",
                INAM  => "Song 1",
                IPRD  => "DJ Krush   Zen",
                ITRK  => "01",
                NOTE  => "Medieval CUE Splitter (www.medieval.it)",
                NOTES => "Medieval CUE Splitter (www.medieval.it)",
                TALB  => "DJ Krush   Zen",
                TCON  => " ",
                TIT2  => "Song 1",
                TPE1  => "DJ Krush",
                TRCK  => "01",
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: file samplerate: 44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: bits Per Sample: 16 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: is runtime :                 1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: forced Samplerate :           
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: resampleWhen :               A 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: file samplerate:              44100 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: resampleTo :                 S 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: Max syncrounus sample rate :  
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: isDsdOutput :                1 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: maxDsdrate :                 11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: maxsamplerate :              384000 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: Target Sample rate :          11289600 
    [Wed Feb 22 16:30:02 2017] INFO: execute command  : C":\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav "E:\Musica\DA_CANCELLARE\DJ Krush - Zen\(01) [DJ Krush] Song 1.wav" -t dsf -b 1 -  gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600  sdm -f sdm-8

  10. #560
    Aug 2011


    File Flac
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2294] Slim::Player::StreamingController::stop (2097) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2295] Slim::Player::StreamingController::resetSongqueue (1776) Song queue is now 
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2307] Slim::Player::StreamingController::play (2100) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2310] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state STOPPED
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2311] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state IDLE
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2323] Slim::Player::Song::new (108) index 0 -> file:///E:/Musica/DA_CANCELLARE/DJ%20Krush%20-%20Zen/(01)%20[DJ%20Krush]%20Song%201.flac
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2324] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state TRACKWAIT
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2335] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Now Playing: file:///E:/Musica/DA_CANCELLARE/DJ%20Krush%20-%20Zen/(01)%20[DJ%20Krush]%20Song%201.flac
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2349] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229) file:///E:/Musica/DA_CANCELLARE/DJ%20Krush%20-%20Zen/(01)%20[DJ%20Krush]%20Song%201.flac
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2351] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady (737) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: nextTrack will be index 0
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2352] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1203) Song queue is now 0
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2353] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1206) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: preparing to stream song index 0
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2354] Slim::Player::Song::open (363) file:///E:/Musica/DA_CANCELLARE/DJ%20Krush%20-%20Zen/(01)%20[DJ%20Krush]%20Song%201.flac
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2358] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->dsf via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf $START$ $END$ $RESAMPLE$ $FILE$ --nodebuglog
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2505] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2506] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2508] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=0SEEK_ERROR_TRANSCODED
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2510] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->dsf via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf $START$ $END$ $RESAMPLE$ $FILE$ --nodebuglog
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2511] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=F, streamformat=dsf
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2513] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\C3PO\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 00-e0-4c-68-d1-46 -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf "E:\Musica\DA_CANCELLARE\DJ Krush - Zen\(01) [DJ Krush] Song 1.flac" --nodebuglog |
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2515] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\C3PO\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\C-3PO.exe" -c 00-e0-4c-68-d1-46 -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf "E:\Musica\DA_CANCELLARE\DJ Krush - Zen\(01) [DJ Krush] Song 1.flac" --nodebuglog |
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2751] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1265) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: stream
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2762] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1302) Song queue is now 0
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2763] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state BUFFERING
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.2764] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state STREAMING
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.8425] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->dsf via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf $START$ $END$ $RESAMPLE$ $FILE$ --nodebuglog
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.8572] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.8573] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.9899] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerTrackStarted (2180) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.9900] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state PLAYING
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.9901] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (361) Song 0 has now started playing
    [17-02-22 16:46:20.9904] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (390) Song queue is now 0
    [17-02-22 16:46:23.6419] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->dsf via: [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -p "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin\C3PO.prefs" -l "C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs" -x "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server" -i flc -o dsf $START$ $END$ $RESAMPLE$ $FILE$ --nodebuglog
    [17-02-22 16:46:23.6567] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [17-02-22 16:46:23.6568] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [17-02-22 16:46:27.0839] Slim::Player::StreamingController::pause (2116) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46
    [17-02-22 16:46:27.0845] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state PAUSED
    [17-02-22 16:46:27.0849] Slim::Player::Source::playmode (96) 00:e0:4c:68:d1:46: Current playmode: pause

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