C-3PO NON tocca SOX, in nessun caso, quindi escludo sia la sua installazione ad averlo manomesso, ma da quello che vedo sox c'è (almeno come file).Su Windows non parte nemmeno a me SOX....insomma LMS non mi funziona piu . C3PO si è aggiornato automaticamente ....e ora non funge.
Attivato il log del server su info per...C3PO , server plugins e player source
codice:[17-04-03 23:11:15.5511] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1203) Song queue is now 0 [17-04-03 23:11:15.5513] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1206) 00:25:b3:c9:55:57: preparing to stream song index 0 [17-04-03 23:11:15.5515] Slim::Player::Song::open (363) tmp:///D:/jazz/Budd%20Harold%20-%20Lovely%20Thunder%20(1986)/01%20-%20the%20gunfighter.flac [17-04-03 23:11:15.5522] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:15.5526] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc [17-04-03 23:11:15.5528] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=1 [17-04-03 23:11:15.5532] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:15.5533] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: streamMode=I, streamformat=pcm [17-04-03 23:11:15.5535] Slim::Player::Song::open (461) Opening stream (no direct streaming) using Slim::Player::Protocols::Volatile [tmp:///D:/jazz/Budd%20Harold%20-%20Lovely%20Thunder%20(1986)/01%20-%20the%20gunfighter.flac] [17-04-03 23:11:15.5539] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (81) duration: [197.4] size: [10806636] endian [] offset: [0] for tmp:///D:/jazz/Budd%20Harold%20-%20Lovely%20Thunder%20(1986)/01%20-%20the%20gunfighter.flac [17-04-03 23:11:15.5541] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (98) Opening file D:\jazz\Budd Harold - Lovely Thunder (1986)\01 - the gunfighter.flac [17-04-03 23:11:15.5545] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (192) Seeking in 0 into D:\jazz\Budd Harold - Lovely Thunder (1986)\01 - the gunfighter.flac [17-04-03 23:11:15.5547] Slim::Player::Song::open (482) URL is a song (audio): tmp:///D:/jazz/Budd%20Harold%20-%20Lovely%20Thunder%20(1986)/01%20-%20the%20gunfighter.flac, type=flc [17-04-03 23:11:15.5551] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::tokenizeConvertCommand2 (617) Using command for conversion: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs --totally-silent -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:15.5553] Slim::Player::Song::open (558) Tokenized command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -dcs --totally-silent -- - | "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe" -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:15.5588] Slim::Player::Pipeline::new (96) Launching process with command: "C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\socketwrapper.exe" -d -i 51305 -w -o 51304 -c "\"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe\" -dcs --totally-silent -- - | \"C:\PROGRA~2\SQUEEZ~1\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\sox.exe\" -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D" [17-04-03 23:11:15.5640] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1265) 00:25:b3:c9:55:57: stream [17-04-03 23:11:15.5653] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1302) Song queue is now 0 [17-04-03 23:11:15.5656] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state BUFFERING [17-04-03 23:11:15.5658] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state STREAMING [17-04-03 23:11:15.5924] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptWriter (236) Pipeline writer connected [17-04-03 23:11:15.5930] Slim::Player::Pipeline::acceptReader (203) Pipeline reader connected [17-04-03 23:11:15.6053] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:15.6059] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc [17-04-03 23:11:15.6899] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:15.9868] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:16.2969] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:16.6095] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:16.9218] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:17.2343] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:17.5471] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:17.8594] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:18.1719] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:18.4842] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:18.7966] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:19.1094] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:19.4219] Slim::Player::Player::_buffering (1140) Buffering... 0 / 261120 [17-04-03 23:11:19.6908] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (373) end of file or error on socket, song pos: 0 [17-04-03 23:11:19.6911] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (378) 00:25:b3:c9:55:57 mark end of stream [17-04-03 23:11:19.6913] Slim::Player::Source::_readNextChunk (386) Didn't stream any bytes for this song; mark it as failed [17-04-03 23:11:19.6916] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStreamingFailed (2228) 00:25:b3:c9:55:57 [17-04-03 23:11:19.6919] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Problema: impossibile aprire il file per:: tmp:///D:/jazz/Budd%20Harold%20-%20Lovely%20Thunder%20(1986)/01%20-%20the%20gunfighter.flac [17-04-03 23:11:19.6928] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stop (603) Song queue is now 0 [17-04-03 23:11:19.6935] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2357) new playing state STOPPED [17-04-03 23:11:19.6938] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2366) new streaming state IDLE [17-04-03 23:11:19.6941] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry (1391) no retry data [17-04-03 23:11:19.6945] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 0 [17-04-03 23:11:19.9420] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (446) Matched: flc->pcm via: [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer=8192 - gain -h -2 rate -v -M -b 90.7 384000 -D [17-04-03 23:11:19.9427] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
Sei sicuro che il problema sia SOX? (il path è valorizzato nei comandi).
Nelle prime righe dopo la partenza cosa ti dice in merito al path ed alla versione di sox?
Nella pagina dei settings (avanzate) cosa ti dice, sempre in merito a SOX?
Hai fatto l'upgrade di LMS anche tu? Temo che quella possa provocare danni. Vorrei cercare di capire cos'è, puoi cortesemente postarmi log dalla partenza e videata dei settings?
a brevissimo rilascio una nuova versione che porta a video molte più informazioni sullo stato delle diverse componenti e sui comandi generati, ma già adesso nel log (ad INFO) la situazione è riassunta molto più chiaramente, se hai notato, ma non ne vedo traccia in quanto hai postato.