Upsampling con SqueezeboxServer, seconda puntata

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  1. #41
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    L'hai eseguita dal server come local player o da riga di comando? Nella stessa cartella hai lasciato anche le dll, vero? Prova ad eseguirla in modalità emulazione xp (32 bit).

    Segnalazioni dall'antivirus?

    EDIT leggendo in rete pare possa trattarsi di librerie mancanti, non stai usando una qualche versione 'ottimizzata' di windows, vero?
    Lo eseguo su NAA, non ho antivirus, e ho provato anche in modalitá emulazione xp....niente
    la versione é win 10 ottimizzato.... ma sqeezelite normale va.....

    stessa cosa su win 8.1

  2. #42
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Lo eseguo su NAA, non ho antivirus, e ho provato anche in modalitá emulazione xp....niente
    la versione é win 10 ottimizzato.... ma sqeezelite normale va.....
    Si, ho più o meno intuito il problema, adesso bisogna capire come fare a risolverlo. La versione 'nrormale' è compilata staticamente, la mia è dinamica, quindi cerca le lbrerie in locale. Devo capire come e quali (altre) librerie devo caricare. Mi avevano avvisato che sarebbe stato un incubo...

    La prova più veloce sarebbe che installassi Visualc++ 2008 Express Edition, di cui propabilmente l'ottimizzatore ha rimosso le le librerie, altrimenti vedo cosa riesco a fare io domani.

    Su NAA lo esegui da solo o come componente del server?

    Se da riga di comando, mi posti la riga di comando ed il risultato del comando PATH?


    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  3. #43
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712

    Se da riga di comando, mi posti la riga di comando ed il risultato del comando PATH?


    ws\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x
    86)\Smart Projects\IsoBuster

    Questo su win 8.1 .....che non é ottimizzato...

  4. #44
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Ma e quello dove fai girate squeezelite?

    Inviato dal mio XT1068 utilizzando Tapatalk
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  5. #45
    Aug 2011


    PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v 1.0\

    questo su win 10 dove gira squeezelite di solito....

  6. #46
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    sostituisci il vecchio EXE e lascia le altre librerie. E' un tentativo rapido.

    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  7. #47
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712

    sostituisci il vecchio EXE e lascia le altre librerie. E' un tentativo rapido.

    Con questo mi da "errore avvio applicazione...."

    Ho installato Visualc++ 2008 Express Edition su win 8.1 é questo é il risultato:
    08/06/2013 01:00 111.616 libsoxr.dll
    03/09/2015 11:51 408.576 portaudio_x86.dll
    03/09/2015 16:27 148.480 squeezelite-win.exe
    6 File 1.356.071 byte
    2 Directory 2.189.389.824 byte disponibili

    before paHostApiInitializers[0].
    after paHostApiInitializers[0].
    before paHostApiInitializers[1].
    WASAPI: device idx: 00
    WASAPI: ---------------
    WASAPI:0| name[Cuffie (3- Dispositivo High Definition Audio)]
    WASAPI:0| form-factor[3]
    WASAPI:0| def.SR[192000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
    WASAPI: device idx: 01
    WASAPI: ---------------
    WASAPI:1| name[Audio digitale (S/PDIF) (3- Dispositivo High Definition Audio)]
    WASAPI:1| form-factor[8]
    WASAPI:1| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010159] lo[0.003000]}
    WASAPI: device idx: 02
    WASAPI: ---------------
    WASAPI:2| name[Audio digitale (S/PDIF) (3- Dispositivo High Definition Audio)]
    WASAPI:2| form-factor[8]
    WASAPI:2| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010159] lo[0.003000]}
    WASAPI: device idx: 03
    WASAPI: ---------------
    WASAPI:3| name[Microfono (3- Dispositivo High Definition Audio)]
    WASAPI:3| form-factor[4]
    WASAPI:3| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010159] lo[0.003000]}
    WASAPI: initialized ok
    after paHostApiInitializers[1].
    before paHostApiInitializers[2].
    0.000: Setup called
    0.000: Enum called
    0.001: noError = 1
    0.001: Device 0 has render alias
    0.001: Enum called
    0.001: noError = 0
    0.001: Enum called
    0.001: noError = 1
    0.001: Device 2 has render alias
    0.001: Enum called
    0.002: noError = 0
    0.002: Device 3 has capture alias
    0.002: Enum called
    0.002: noError = 0
    0.002: Enum called
    0.002: noError = 0
    0.002: Enum called
    0.002: noError = 0
    0.002: Enum called
    0.003: noError = 0
    0.003: Enum called
    0.003: noError = 0
    0.003: Enum called
    0.003: noError = 1
    0.003: Device 9 has render alias
    0.003: Enum called
    0.020: noError = 0
    0.021: Enum called
    0.021: Interfaces found: 4
    0.021: Device 0 has render alias
    0.021: Device 0 has realtime alias
    0.021: Interface 0, Name: S
    0.021: FilterNew: Creating filter 'SPDIF in uscita HD Audio 2'
    0.021: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.021: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.022: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.022: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.022: Node: 0 - {DFF21FE5-F70F-11D0-B917-00A0C9223196}
    0.022: PinNew: Creating pin 0:
    0.022: PinNew: Checking 5 no of dataranges...
    0.022: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.022: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.022: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.053: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.054: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.054: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.054: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.054: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.054: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.054: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.054: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.054: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.054: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.055: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.055: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.055: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.055: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.055: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.055: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.055: PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
    0.055: Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
    0.074: PinNew: Finding topology pin...
    0.074: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... 0.074: GetConnectedPin:
    count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.074: GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0073EB18) 0.074: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 0073EB28
    0.074: PinNew: Getting physical connection...
    0.075: PinNew: Physical connection found!
    0.075: PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&
    0.075: FilterNew: Creating filter ''
    0.075: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.096: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.096: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.096: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.096: Node: 0 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.096: PinNew: Opening topology filter... 0.096: PinNew: Checking for output en
    dpoint pin id...
    0.096: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... 0.096: GetConnectedPin:
    count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.096: GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0073E878) 0.097: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 0073E888
    0.097: PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
    0.108: GetNameFromCategory: USB GUID 0605 -> 'SPDIF'
    0.108: PinNew: Pin name 'SPDIF Out'
    0.108: PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
    0.108: Pin created successfully
    0.109: PinNew: Creating pin 1:
    0.109: PinNew: Not source/sink
    0.109: PinNew: Error -9996
    0.109: Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
    0.109: Device 2 has render alias
    0.109: Device 2 has realtime alias
    0.109: Interface 2, Name: C
    0.109: FilterNew: Creating filter 'Cuffia HD Audio'
    0.110: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.110: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.110: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.110: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.110: Node: 0 - {507AE360-C554-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.123: PinNew: Creating pin 0:
    0.123: PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
    0.123: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.123: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.123: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.123: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.123: PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
    0.124: Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
    0.124: PinNew: Finding topology pin...
    0.124: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... 0.124: GetConnectedPin:
    count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.124: GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0073E8A8) 0.124: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 0073E8B8
    0.124: PinNew: Getting physical connection...
    0.124: PinNew: Physical connection found!
    0.143: PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&
    0.143: FilterNew: Creating filter ''
    0.144: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.144: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=3, nodes=2
    0.144: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.144: Connection: 1 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.144: Connection: 2 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
    0.144: Node: 0 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.144: Node: 1 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.144: PinNew: Opening topology filter... 0.145: PinNew: Checking for output en
    dpoint pin id...
    0.145: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 3 connections... 0.164: GetConnectedPin:
    count=2, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.164: GetConnectionTo: Checking 3 connections... (pFrom = 00745A78) 0.164: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 00745A98
    0.164: GetConnectedPin: count=2, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.164: GetConnectionTo: Checking 3 connections... (pFrom = 00745A98) 0.164: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 00745A88
    0.164: PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
    0.165: GetNameFromCategory: USB GUID 0302 -> 'Headphones'
    0.165: PinNew: Pin name 'Headphones'
    0.165: PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
    0.182: Pin created successfully
    0.182: PinNew: Creating pin 1:
    0.183: PinNew: Not source/sink
    0.183: PinNew: Error -9996
    0.183: Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
    0.183: Device 3 has capture alias
    0.183: Device 3 has realtime alias
    0.183: Interface 3, Name: M
    0.183: FilterNew: Creating filter 'Microfono HD Audio'
    0.183: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.184: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.184: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.184: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=0
    0.184: Node: 0 - {4D837FE0-C555-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.184: PinNew: Creating pin 0:
    0.184: PinNew: Checking 1 no of dataranges...
    0.193: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.193: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.193: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.193: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.193: PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
    0.194: Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
    0.194: PinNew: Finding topology pin...
    0.194: FindStartConnectionFrom: Checking 2 connections... 0.194: GetConnectedPi
    n: count=1, forward=0, muxPosition=-1
    0.194: GetConnectionFrom: Checking 2 connections... (pTo = 0073E978)
    0.194: GetConnectionFrom: Returning 0073E968
    0.194: PinNew: Getting physical connection...
    0.194: PinNew: Physical connection found!
    0.194: PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&
    0.212: FilterNew: Creating filter ''
    0.213: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.213: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=4, nodes=3
    0.213: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=1 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.213: Connection: 1 - FromNode=2,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=0
    0.213: Connection: 2 - FromNode=1,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=2,ToPin=1
    0.213: Connection: 3 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=1,ToPin=1
    0.213: Node: 0 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.213: Node: 1 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.214: Node: 2 - {3A5ACC00-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.227: PinNew: Opening topology filter... 0.227: PinNew: Checking for input end
    point pin id (0)...
    0.227: FindStartConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... 0.227: GetConnectedPi
    n: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
    0.227: GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 007875A8)
    0.227: GetConnectionFrom: Returning 007875B8
    0.228: GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
    0.228: GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 007875B8)
    0.228: GetConnectionFrom: Returning 007875C8
    0.228: GetConnectedPin: count=3, forward=0, muxPosition=0
    0.242: GetConnectionFrom: Checking 4 connections... (pTo = 007875C8)
    0.242: GetConnectionFrom: Returning 00787598
    0.243: PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
    0.243: PinNew: Input friendly name 'Microfono'
    0.243: PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
    0.243: Pin created successfully
    0.243: PinNew: Creating pin 1:
    0.243: PinNew: Not source/sink
    0.243: PinNew: Error -9996
    0.243: Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
    0.244: Device 9 has render alias
    0.244: Device 9 has realtime alias
    0.244: Interface 9, Name: S
    0.244: FilterNew: Creating filter 'SPDIF in uscita HD Audio'
    0.244: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.244: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.244: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.256: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.256: Node: 0 - {DFF21FE5-F70F-11D0-B917-00A0C9223196}
    0.256: PinNew: Creating pin 0:
    0.256: PinNew: Checking 5 no of dataranges...
    0.256: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.256: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.257: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.257: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.257: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.257: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.257: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.257: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.257: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.257: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.257: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.258: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.258: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.276: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.276: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.277: PinNew: Format PCM 24 bit supported
    0.277: PinNew: DR major format 73647561
    0.277: PinNew: MaxChannel: 2
    0.277: PinNew: Format PCM 16 bit supported
    0.277: PinNew: Default sample rate = 44100 Hz
    0.277: Failed PinQueryNotificationSupport
    0.277: PinNew: Finding topology pin...
    0.277: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... 0.277: GetConnectedPin:
    count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.278: GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0073E998) 0.278: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 0073E9A8
    0.278: PinNew: Getting physical connection...
    0.278: PinNew: Physical connection found!
    0.300: PinNew: Creating topology filter '\\?\HDAUDIO#FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&
    0.300: FilterNew: Creating filter ''
    0.300: FilterNew: Opening filter...
    0.300: DumpConnectionsAndNodes: connections=2, nodes=1
    0.301: Connection: 0 - FromNode=4294967295,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=0,ToPin=1
    0.301: Connection: 1 - FromNode=0,FromPin=0 -> ToNode=4294967295,ToPin=1
    0.301: Node: 0 - {02B223C0-C557-11D0-8A2B-00A0C9255AC1}
    0.301: PinNew: Opening topology filter... 0.301: PinNew: Checking for output en
    dpoint pin id...
    0.301: FindStartConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... 0.301: GetConnectedPin:
    count=1, forward=1, muxPosition=-1
    0.301: GetConnectionTo: Checking 2 connections... (pFrom = 0073E7E8) 0.318: Get
    ConnectionTo: Returning 0073E7F8
    0.319: PinNew: Found endpoint pin id 1
    0.319: GetNameFromCategory: USB GUID 0605 -> 'SPDIF'
    0.319: PinNew: Pin name 'SPDIF Out'
    0.319: PinNew: Releasing topology filter...
    0.319: Pin created successfully
    0.319: PinNew: Creating pin 1:
    0.319: PinNew: Not source/sink
    0.319: PinNew: Error -9996
    0.319: Filter (WaveRT) created with 1 valid pins (total I/Os: 1)
    after paHostApiInitializers[2].

  8. #48
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Con questo mi da "errore avvio applicazione...."

    Ho installato Visualc++ 2008 Express Edition su win 8.1 é questo é il risultato:

    L'ultimo va bene, è l'output del debug.
    Prova questo:

    E' senza debug e dovrebbe contenere la libreria satica, quindi Visualstudio non dovrebbe più servire.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  9. #49
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    L'ultimo va bene, è l'output del debug.
    Prova questo:

    E' senza debug e dovrebbe contenere la libreria satica, quindi Visualstudio non dovrebbe più servire.
    Marco stesso errore

    Marco non é che bisogna installare qualche Microsoft Visual C++ ***** Redistributable Package ?

    La 2010 sia a 32 che 64 bit giá ce le ho installate (servivano per far funzionare sqeezelite "standard" )....non é che serve qualche altra versione?
    Ultima modifica di antonellocaroli : 04-09-2015 a 07:36

  10. #50
    gibibyte L'avatar di DacPassion
    Jul 2014


    Giusto per capire, questa versione che stai facendo di squeezelite accetta qualsiasi formato in ingresso?

    Ps -piccolo ot- negli sviluppatori che ruotano al mondo lms spesso noto sempre "mancanza di fiducia" riguardo le potenzialità del sistema. Visto che da qualche giorno qobuz ha iniziato lo streaming a 24/96 e 24/192 ho scritto allo sviluppatore del plugin chiedendo se verrà supportato, ma ha risposto in modo aleatorio ...insomma non si sa se lo supporterà mai e non si capisce bene neanche il perché 😀
    Clearaudio Emotion + Satisfy + Grado Gold1 > Phono D3A DIY
    Futro S450 + Daphile / Amanero + Buffalo 2 (trident) uscita a TU Cinemag 15/15B DIY / Jlsounds + Lector Digicode TDA1541 S1
    Monoblocchi D3A 2A3 (electrolytich free!!) DIY / Coral Beta8 in BLH DIY

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