AudioLinux - un nuovo Sistema Operativo per HQPlayer, ma non solo

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Visualizzazione dei risultati da 371 a 379 su 379
  1. #371
    Apr 2014


    Originariamente inviato da seeteeyou
    Hi Piero,

    Raspberry Pi 3 only came with 1GB of RAM, do you think it's feasible for you to reduce the size of AudioLinux image significantly for running headless ramboot mode?

    Thank you.
    I have made a Pi3 B+ image 64 bit with lxqt desktop, but also for an headless image command line only it would be impossible using audiolinux/archlinux arm, since

    "When ramroot is enabled, during the initial phase of boot the amount of detected RAM on the computer along with the size the root filesystem to be copied is shown on the screen. If there is at least 500MB more RAM than the size of the filesystem, the user will be prompted to load the root filesystem to RAM. (Confirmation prompt defaults to yes with a 15 second timeout.)

    The size of the zram partition created is determined by taking the size of the root filesystem plus half of the extra available RAM (to a maximum of 6GB)."

  2. #372
    Moderatore L'avatar di bibo01
    Oct 2010


    Originariamente inviato da seeteeyou
    Hi Piero,

    Raspberry Pi 3 only came with 1GB of RAM, do you think it's feasible for you to reduce the size of AudioLinux image significantly for running headless ramboot mode?

    Thank you.
    Welcome seeteeyou

  3. #373
    Oct 2018

    Predefinito Enabling Wifi on AL

    Hey Guys,
    Could someone please advise how I could get wifi started on my comp. I'm running AL/Ramboot on my MacBook Pro & I wish to try out Roon as a dual PC setup and to control it via a remote (iPhone/iPad). Otherwise I have no need for wifi, Ethernet works flawlessly when I plugin the Ethernet cable.

    Please see pics, is there some filing in the blanks I need to do...

    Icone allegate Icone allegate Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

Nome:   image.jpg
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ID: 17749   Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

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ID: 17750   Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

Nome:   image.jpeg
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ID: 17751  

  4. #374
    Apr 2014


    The wiki on archlinux is a little complex. Take a look on Fedora wiki:

  5. #375
    Apr 2014


    E' uscito Audiolinux headless 0.6 con nuove opzioni nel menu di configurazione e nuovo menu monitor, varie correzioni e aggiornamento dei pacchetti.

  6. #376
    Feb 2019


    Salve a tutti
    Sono nuovo nel forum, ed avrei un paio di domande riguardo audio linux.
    Ho un mac mini che uso come sorgente con euphony come softw. di sistema. Un ssd da 3 Tb interno serve da biblioteca e da sistema.
    Roon é il softw. Per la biblioteca e hqplayer é il renderer. Dato che l´ attivitá die Roon necessita un po di risorse, mi son preso un secondo mac mini da usare come renderer cosí da separare le funzioni di otganizzazione e manutenzione delle biblioteche e quella die renderer. Vorrei installare hqplayer nel scondo mac mini ( mid 2011, i7)in un sistema minimo come audio linux, il tutto headless. Non voglio tenere osx come secondo sistema, quindi voglio sovrascrivere il HD. Non ho esperienza con linux, ma vorrei provare, avete dei link specifici per mac? Consigli o sconsigli? Grazie

  7. #377
    Feb 2019


    Sono riuscito ad installare e far partire audiolinux, headless. Sono solo i primi minuti di musica, ma l‘impressione é buona!
    Installato in un mac mini i7 (2011) e funziona da solo renderer con roon bridge pilotato da roon core in un altro mac mini.
    Quello che ancora non riesco é collegare il roon core con hqplayerd in audiolinux, e come cambiare le impostazioni di hqplayer

  8. #378
    Apr 2014


    La nuova version 2.0 di Audiolinux uscirà il 1 Novembre!

    E' in corso un'offerta che scade il 30 Ottobre:

    Nuova interfaccia con i profili:

    E molte altre opzioni:

    Profiles: green, orange, red, auto, custom 1, custom2, custom3 You can switch from one to the other with a click
    HQPlayer and NAA update option
    For isolated cores is now possible to assign a different isolated core to applications. For example one for Roon, one for HQPlayer
    Added MAC address to Network status
    Option to downgrade to old kernel (4.19.x) in kernel update
    Samba server
    Spotify (only with paid subscription)
    New application (pamac) for updating AUR packages
    New status options in main menu (samba, free HD space, free RAM etc.)
    Added time option to Realtime test
    Updated kernel
    Full base system update

    Changed from ssh socket to sshd service for security reasons
    Now wifi script will remove previous services and configurations
    Isolated core script will stop active audio services on disable

  9. #379
    Apr 2014


    ... Molte nuove opzioni dall'ultimo post. Tra cui la nuova Web interface 2. E anche la bella recensione di Audioreview!

    Riporto qui stto una lista solo delle ultime novità:

    Menu 313
    New Recording script version with:
    1) Files with sample frequncy higher than 384 kHz will be converted automatically to wavpack format
    2) Recordings will be tagged automatically with songrec (open source version of Shazam)

    Menu 312
    Various improvements to recording script

    Menu 311
    Added new option 16 RECORD playing audio to Expert menu
    This new script will record the audio output, whether the source is from a local file or from internet
    The audio application output must be set to Loopback device 0, for example Loopback,DEV=0

    Menu 310
    CD rip script in Audio menu now supports more than one CDROM drive.
    The drive will be selected and saved to configuration file with option 1) Find the offset of your CD drive (reset configuration)

    Menu 309
    Fixed conversion to PCM frequencies higher than 384KHz in 15 CONVERT/UPSAMPLE audio files to DSD or PCM. Now the output file for those frequencies is .wav (limitation of flac compression)
    Better display of isolated core status.
    Added the possibility to add more than one irq to a set of cores in Expert menu -> 10 CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application

    Menu 308
    New partially rewritten core isolation scripts. Now in Expert menu -> 10 CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application is possible to assign also an irq to a specific set of isolated cores different from the set used by audio applications.
    Improved system status display for core isolation

    Menu 307
    Change to local mount script. Now /etc/fstab line is compatible with vfat

    Menu 306
    Fix to cd script (find offset not working if file not empty)

    Menu 305
    Little fix in cdrip script displayed text

    Menu 304
    Fix to Ethernet speed limit script in the wrong path

    Menu 303
    Now MPD and Squeezelite configuration scripts will set DAC number. After a reboot the number will not change.

    Menu 302
    Update to script-server for Web Interface 2

    Menu 301
    Little fix about AES67 daemon not starting

    Menu 300
    Removed option for kernel 5.4.x in kernel update

    Menu 295
    Fix to ramroot configuration script (RAM and ZRAM values not saved)

    Menu 294
    Added new dependency for CD rip. You can add the package manually with 'yay -Sy python-discid'
    Now you can rip also if the CD is not in MusicBrainz database

    Menu 293
    Spotify configuration file updated to new format.

    Menu 292
    New option in Expert menu 'CPU extra speed (at a cost)'
    This script will disable CPU mitigations at the cost of making your system less secure

    Menu 291
    Fix to boot mode script not starting

    Menu 290
    Added folder /opt/configuration/scriptserver where you can add your custom items for Web Interface 2. These files will be copied back to /opt/script-server/conf/runners/ in case of a menu update
    Removed arch4edu repository (too slow). Now rocm packages for hqplayer have been uploaded to audiolinux repository
    Rewritten script for setting priority to standard of extreme

    Menu 289
    Little fix to CamillaDSP enable script

    Menu 288
    Fix to DSD/PCM conversion script not installing dff2dsf

    Menu 287
    Some fixes to AES67 audio over IP script

    Menu 286
    Rewritten script for AES67 audio over IP. Now you can choose between original Merging ravenna-alsa (Butler) daemon and AES67 daemon
    Basic configuration is done by the script
    Tested successfully with Merging equipment

    Menu 285
    New options '7) UPSAMPLE/CONVERT PCM flac/wav/mp3 to PCM flac' and '8) UPSAMPLE/CONVERT DSD dff/dsf to DSD dsf' in '14 CONVERT/UPSAMPLE audio files to DSD or PCM' (Expert menu) The script has been partially rewritten and some bugs fixed
    Menu 284
    Added some explanation to PCM conversion extra parameters in DSD conversion script
    Fixed little bug in Squeezelite configuration (audio card displayed with wrong number)

    Menu 283
    In the new version of audio conversion script you can convert PCM to DSD and DSD to PCM
    Added new options:
    6) Convert DSD dff/dsf to PCM flac
    8) Set PCM extra conversion parameters (for experts)

    Menu 282
    Mew improved CD rip script with the following options:
    1) Find the offset of your CD player
    2) Set your music directory
    3) RIP to flac
    4) Edit configuration (templates etc.)
    New improved DSD conversion script with these options:
    1) Set your music directory
    2) Set DSD sampling frequency
    3) Convert PCM flac/wav to DSD dsf
    4) Convert DSD dff to DSD dsf
    5) Set DSD extra conversion parameters (for experts)
    6) View, copy, move, delete your music files
    DSD conversion and Music to RAM scripts search is now case sensitive

    Menu 281
    Added alert in main menu if you are using AMD processor
    Rewritten script for modified option 'CPU ucode and scaling driver to AMD/Intel' in Expert menu. This option now change automatically scaling driver to acpi for AMD or intel pstate for Intel CPU
    Little fix about permissions to camilladsp enable script

    Menu 280
    Fix to AMD/Intel ucode script in Expert menu

    Menu 279
    Camilla DSP! New options:
    In Expert menu '16 CAMILLADSP installation'. This script will install and configure Camilla DSP - a flexible linux IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc
    In Audio menu added '19 CAMILLADSP start and enable' and '20 CAMILLADSP GUI start and enable'
    You can access Camilla DSP configuration at ipaddress:5002
    Added new option 'CONVERT audio files to DSD' in Expert menu. This script will convert flac files to DSD dsf format up to DSD1024 with standard and expert options
    Improved squeezelite configuration script now using the form hw:x,x for audio card
    Wireless script remove previous stray wpa_supplicant links in /etc/systemd/system/
    Added '11 NEWS' to main menu

    Menu 278
    Improved MUSIC2RAM script: now show available memory and added music folders after adding files to RAM. Fixed bug in reboot restore.
    General cleaning of scripts

    Menu 277
    Changed disc-template for CD rip

    Menu 276
    Added CD rip option in Audio menu (exact audio copy)
    Added Help option to REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration in Expert menu

    Menu 275
    Added UPnP server

    Menu 274
    Since now Long Term Support kernel is 5.10.x, added option for LTS 5.4.x in kernel update

    Menu 273
    Fix to Web Interface 2 not starting

    Menu 272
    Updated script-server for Web Interface 2

    Menu 271
    Fix to pacman parameters in some scripts

    Menu 270
    Fix to Roon installation

    Menu 269
    Fix to some scripts with wrong pacman parameter

    Menu 268
    Added arch4edu repository for rocm packages

    Menu 267
    Added 3 versions of hqplayer embedded to Install/Update menu"

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