C3PO Plugin verisone 0.1alfa

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Visualizzazione dei risultati da 251 a 260 su 514
  1. #251
    Aug 2011


    Questo nel server
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2059] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-mp3-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2059] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2060] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ $BITRATE$ - -
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2185] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2186] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2187] Slim::Player::Song::open (409) Error: Couldn't create command line for flc playback for [file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac]
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2188] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Problema. Impossibile riprodurre tipo di file per:: file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2191] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry (1403) no retry data
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2192] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state IDLE
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2193] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2194] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady - new state STOPPED-IDLE
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2196] Slim::Player::Source::playmode (96) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Current playmode: stop
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.2236] Slim::Player::Song::DESTROY (160) DESTROY(Slim::Player::Song=ARRAY(0x9e4634c)) live=1: index=0, url=file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1856] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing wav-flc-*-* vs flc-mp3-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1857] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1858] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ $BITRATE$ - -
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1984] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1985] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1986] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 canSeek=0SEEK_ERROR_TRANSCODED
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1988] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1989] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 6 disabled formats...
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1990] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2046] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (250)    enabled
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2047] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (252)   Found command: [flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ $BITRATE$ - -
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2174] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::checkBin (275)    couldn't find binary for: lame
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2175] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 (443) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: flc
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2177] Slim::Player::Song::open (409) Error: Couldn't create command line for flc playback for [file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac]
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2178] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Problema. Impossibile riprodurre tipo di file per:: file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2181] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_willRetry (1403) no retry data
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2182] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state IDLE
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2183] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2184] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (303) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady - new state STOPPED-IDLE
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2186] Slim::Player::Source::playmode (96) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Current playmode: stop
    [15-11-02 23:07:04.2227] Slim::Player::Song::DESTROY (160) DESTROY(Slim::Player::Song=ARRAY(0xa027f74)) live=1: index=0, url=file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1753] Slim::Player::StreamingController::play (2109) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1754] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: Play in STOPPED-IDLE -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_StopGetNext
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1755] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (284) params: index => undef seekdata => undef
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1758] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stop (603) Song queue is now 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1759] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (2366) new playing state STOPPED
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1760] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state IDLE
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1761] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (882) The next song is number 0, was 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1765] Slim::Player::Song::new (108) index 0 -> file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1767] Slim::Player::Song::new (150) live=2
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1767] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2375) new streaming state TRACKWAIT
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1771] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage (789) Riproduzione in corso: file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1777] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229) file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1778] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady (737) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: nextTrack will be index 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1779] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (271) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: NextTrackReady in STOPPED-TRACKWAIT -> Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1780] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1215) Song queue is now 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1781] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1218) 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29: preparing to stream song index 0
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1782] Slim::Player::Song::open (363) file:///C:/Users/filippo/Desktop/Music/Nuova%20cartella%20(2)/01%20-%20One.flac
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1785] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (209) Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1786] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (217) There are 6 disabled formats...
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1787] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1788] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing aif-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1788] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-aif-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*
    [15-11-02 23:07:09.1789] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::enabledFormat (223) Testing flc-flc-*-* vs flc-flc-*-*

  2. #252
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    sostituisci solo questo nella cartella


    ormai è circondato...

    puoi anche non riavviare il server.


    Nelle prime righe dopo al riavvio, adesso ti dice dove è posizionato il file fatal, vedi se li lo trovi.
    Ultima modifica di marcoc1712 : 03-11-2015 a 00:03
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  3. #253
    tebibyte L'avatar di UnixMan
    Sep 2013


    Originariamente inviato da bigtube
    domanda a bruciapelo per Paolo:
    Voglio creare un ISO del mio sistema accrocchiato a dovere.
    Posso farlo con "dd" ... ?
    Vuoi dire una immagine del (disco di) sistema, da poter ripristinare in qualsiasi momento sullo stesso disco o su un altro uguale?

    Ci sono software più furbi, che ti consentono di non copiare anche lo spazio vuoto, ed anche di trasferire l'immagine su dischi diversi... ma sì, una immagine nuda e cruda puoi farla (anche) con dd.

    Ovviamente, devi scrivere l'immagine su un device diverso da quello che stai copiando. E.g.:

     dd  if=/dev/sda  of=/media/ext-disk/my_system.img
    BTW: con Linux non c'è neanche bisogno di fare una immagine del disco: basta copiare il contenuto del file system!

    (purché lo si faccia da utente root su un file system compatibile, in modo da mantenere proprietà, permessi, ecc, di file e directory).
    Ultima modifica di UnixMan : 03-11-2015 a 00:08
    Ciao, Paolo.

    «Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»

  4. #254
    Aug 2011


    Ecco il fatal Marco

    [Mon Nov  2 21:54:55 2015] DEBUG: C-3PO says hello! see C:\Users\filippo\C-3PO.fatal for errors 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:02:51 2015] DEBUG: C-3PO says hello! see C:\Users\filippo\C-3PO.fatal for errors 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446498171,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446498171,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log
    Ma non mi sembra aggiornato...

  5. #255
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Ecco il fatal Marco

    [Mon Nov  2 21:54:55 2015] DEBUG: C-3PO says hello! see C:\Users\filippo\C-3PO.fatal for errors 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446497698,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:02:51 2015] DEBUG: C-3PO says hello! see C:\Users\filippo\C-3PO.fatal for errors 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446498171,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: clientId: 50-e5-49-cc-b4-29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Prefs: {
      "_client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29" => {
                                       _ts_aliasing               => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_bandwidth              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_codecs                 => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_dither                 => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_gain                   => 1446225865,
                                       _ts_id                     => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_macaddress             => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_maxSupportedSamplerate => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_model                  => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_modelName              => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_name                   => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outBitDepth            => 1446231428,
                                       _ts_outByteOrder           => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outChannels            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_outCodec               => 1445511767,
                                       _ts_outEncoding            => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_phase                  => 1445535161,
                                       _ts_quality                => 1445459562,
                                       _ts_resampleTo             => 1446389420,
                                       _ts_resampleWhen           => 1445522537,
                                       _ts_sampleRates            => 1446498174,
                                       _ts_useGlogalSettings      => 1445522592,
                                       _version                   => 0,
                                       aliasing                   => "on",
                                       bandwidth                  => 907,
                                       codecs                     => {
                                                                       aac  => undef,
                                                                       aif  => "on",
                                                                       alc  => undef,
                                                                       dff  => undef,
                                                                       dsf  => undef,
                                                                       flc  => "on",
                                                                       mp3  => undef,
                                                                       ogg  => undef,
                                                                       pcm  => "on",
                                                                       wav  => undef,
                                                                       wma  => undef,
                                                                       wmal => undef,
                                                                       wmap => undef,
                                       dither                     => "on",
                                       gain                       => 3,
                                       id                         => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       macaddress                 => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
                                       maxSupportedSamplerate     => 384000,
                                       model                      => "squeezelite",
                                       modelName                  => "SqueezeLite",
                                       name                       => "SqueezeLite",
                                       outBitDepth                => 4,
                                       outByteOrder               => "L",
                                       outChannels                => 2,
                                       outCodec                   => "wav",
                                       outEncoding                => "s",
                                       phase                      => "M",
                                       quality                    => "v",
                                       resampleTo                 => "S",
                                       resampleWhen               => "A",
                                       sampleRates                => {
                                                                       8000   => "on",
                                                                       11025  => "on",
                                                                       12000  => "on",
                                                                       16000  => "on",
                                                                       22050  => "on",
                                                                       24000  => "on",
                                                                       32000  => "on",
                                                                       44100  => "on",
                                                                       48000  => "on",
                                                                       88200  => "on",
                                                                       96000  => "on",
                                                                       176400 => "on",
                                                                       192000 => "on",
                                                                       352800 => "on",
                                                                       384000 => "on",
                                                                       705600 => 0,
                                                                       768000 => 0,
                                       useGlogalSettings          => "on",
      "_ts_aliasing"              => 1445459559,
      "_ts_bandwidth"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_C3POwillStart"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_dither"                => 1445459559,
      "_ts_gain"                  => 1446225846,
      "_ts_logFolder"             => 1445971604,
      "_ts_outBitDepth"           => 1446231409,
      "_ts_outByteOrder"          => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outChannels"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_outCodec"              => 1445511751,
      "_ts_outEncoding"           => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO"            => 1446498171,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_exe"        => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToC3PO_pl"         => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToFaad"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToFFmpeg"          => 1445460011,
      "_ts_pathToFlac"            => 1445459559,
      "_ts_pathToPerl"            => 1446497695,
      "_ts_pathToSox"             => 1445459559,
      "_ts_phase"                 => 1445535141,
      "_ts_quality"               => 1445459559,
      "_ts_resampleTo"            => 1446389080,
      "_ts_resampleWhen"          => 1445522388,
      "_ts_serverFolder"          => 1445971604,
      "_version"                  => 0,
      "aliasing"                  => "on",
      "bandwidth"                 => 907,
      "C3POwillStart"             => "exe",
      "dither"                    => "on",
      "gain"                      => 3,
      "logFolder"                 => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      "outBitDepth"               => 4,
      "outByteOrder"              => "L",
      "outChannels"               => 2,
      "outCodec"                  => "wav",
      "outEncoding"               => "s",
      "pathToC3PO"                => undef,
      "pathToC3PO_exe"            => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      "pathToC3PO_pl"             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      "pathToFaad"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      "pathToFFmpeg"              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      "pathToFlac"                => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      "pathToPerl"                => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      "pathToSox"                 => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      "phase"                     => "M",
      "quality"                   => "v",
      "resampleTo"                => "S",
      "resampleWhen"              => "A",
      "serverFolder"              => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: client: _client:50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Swithing log file to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log
    Ma non mi sembra aggiornato...
    mmhhh... Il fatal è presente, o lo è stato fino alle 22.03, da quando ne ho forzato la scrittura, mi pare comunque strano che le ultime esecuzioni non lo abbiano toccato, dato che c'è il log.

    Comunque, il fatal è un succedaneo del log per le fasi iniziali di esecuzione, fino a che non si è caricato correttamente le preferenze, tra cui il file di log da utilizzare, dopo di che, passa ad usare il log, come si deve. Entrambi, in produzione, non verranno riempiti di tutti i messaggi di debug che ho messo, il fatal, in particolare, conterrà solo segnalzioni di errori bloccanti.

    Nelle ultime release che ho messo apposta per te, mi sono concetrato nell'isolare il problema, che ho localizzato in un modulo preciso, ma non ancora in quale punto e perchè.

    Non potendo usare gli strumenti di debug che ho nel mio ambiente, dato che da me non si verifica, sono costretto ad avanzare 'a tentoni' come si fa in un campo minato, delimitando via via le zone sicure e stringendo il cerchio attorno alle mine.

    A questo scopo mi serve solo il C3PO.log, gli altri dimenticali pure per il momento, poi capiremo cosa succede al .fatal, ma una cosa per volta.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #256
    gibibyte L'avatar di DacPassion
    Jul 2014


    Mi ero dimenticato di precisare che con la 0.4.1 su mac verso daphile funziona anche l'upsampling dello streaming di qobuz, nel caso mac verso voyage+squeezelitemc non mi sono ricordato di testarlo, appena posso provo.
    Clearaudio Emotion + Satisfy + Grado Gold1 > Phono D3A DIY
    Futro S450 + Daphile / Amanero + Buffalo 2 (trident) uscita a TU Cinemag 15/15B DIY / Jlsounds + Lector Digicode TDA1541 S1
    Monoblocchi D3A 2A3 (electrolytich free!!) DIY / Coral Beta8 in BLH DIY

  7. #257
    Aug 2011


    ecco il log
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Now log file is C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:36 2015] DEBUG: Transcoder table : {
      aliasing               => "on",
      bandwidth              => 907,
      C3POwillStart          => "exe",
      codecs                 => {
                                  aac  => undef,
                                  aif  => "on",
                                  alc  => undef,
                                  dff  => undef,
                                  dsf  => undef,
                                  flc  => "on",
                                  mp3  => undef,
                                  ogg  => undef,
                                  pcm  => "on",
                                  wav  => undef,
                                  wma  => undef,
                                  wmal => undef,
                                  wmap => undef,
      dither                 => "on",
      gain                   => 3,
      id                     => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      logFolder              => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      macaddress             => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      maxSupportedSamplerate => 384000,
      model                  => "squeezelite",
      modelName              => "SqueezeLite",
      name                   => "SqueezeLite",
      options                => {
                                  clientId         => "50-e5-49-cc-b4-29",
                                  debug            => undef,
                                  durationSec      => undef,
                                  endSec           => undef,
                                  endTime          => undef,
                                  file             => "C:\\Users\\filippo\\Desktop\\Music\\David Virelles - Continuum (2012) [FLAC] {Pi Recordings}\\06 - Royalty.flac",
                                  forcedSamplerate => undef,
                                  hello            => undef,
                                  inCodec          => "flc",
                                  outCodec         => "wav",
                                  prefFile         => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs",
                                  startSec         => undef,
                                  startTime        => undef,
      outBitDepth            => 4,
      outByteOrder           => "L",
      outChannels            => 2,
      outCodec               => "wav",
      outCompression         => 0,
      outEncoding            => "s",
      pathToC3PO             => undef,
      pathToC3PO_exe         => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      pathToC3PO_pl          => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      pathToFaad             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      pathToFFmpeg           => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      pathToFlac             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      pathToPerl             => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      pathToSox              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      phase                  => "M",
      quality                => "v",
      resampleTo             => "S",
      resampleWhen           => "A",
      sampleRates            => {
                                  8000   => 1,
                                  11025  => 1,
                                  12000  => 1,
                                  16000  => 1,
                                  22050  => 1,
                                  24000  => 1,
                                  32000  => 1,
                                  44100  => 1,
                                  48000  => 1,
                                  88200  => 1,
                                  96000  => 1,
                                  176400 => 1,
                                  192000 => 1,
                                  352800 => 1,
                                  384000 => 1,
                                  705600 => 0,
                                  768000 => 0,
      serverFolder           => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Now log file is C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 21:56:41 2015] DEBUG: Transcoder table : {
      aliasing               => "on",
      bandwidth              => 907,
      C3POwillStart          => "exe",
      codecs                 => {
                                  aac  => undef,
                                  aif  => "on",
                                  alc  => undef,
                                  dff  => undef,
                                  dsf  => undef,
                                  flc  => "on",
                                  mp3  => undef,
                                  ogg  => undef,
                                  pcm  => "on",
                                  wav  => undef,
                                  wma  => undef,
                                  wmal => undef,
                                  wmap => undef,
      dither                 => "on",
      gain                   => 3,
      id                     => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      logFolder              => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      macaddress             => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      maxSupportedSamplerate => 384000,
      model                  => "squeezelite",
      modelName              => "SqueezeLite",
      name                   => "SqueezeLite",
      options                => {
                                  clientId         => "50-e5-49-cc-b4-29",
                                  debug            => undef,
                                  durationSec      => undef,
                                  endSec           => undef,
                                  endTime          => undef,
                                  file             => "C:\\Users\\filippo\\Desktop\\Music\\David Virelles - Continuum (2012) [FLAC] {Pi Recordings}\\06 - Royalty.flac",
                                  forcedSamplerate => undef,
                                  hello            => undef,
                                  inCodec          => "flc",
                                  outCodec         => "wav",
                                  prefFile         => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs",
                                  startSec         => undef,
                                  startTime        => undef,
      outBitDepth            => 4,
      outByteOrder           => "L",
      outChannels            => 2,
      outCodec               => "wav",
      outCompression         => 0,
      outEncoding            => "s",
      pathToC3PO             => undef,
      pathToC3PO_exe         => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      pathToC3PO_pl          => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      pathToFaad             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      pathToFFmpeg           => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      pathToFlac             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      pathToPerl             => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      pathToSox              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      phase                  => "M",
      quality                => "v",
      resampleTo             => "S",
      resampleWhen           => "A",
      sampleRates            => {
                                  8000   => 1,
                                  11025  => 1,
                                  12000  => 1,
                                  16000  => 1,
                                  22050  => 1,
                                  24000  => 1,
                                  32000  => 1,
                                  44100  => 1,
                                  48000  => 1,
                                  88200  => 1,
                                  96000  => 1,
                                  176400 => 1,
                                  192000 => 1,
                                  352800 => 1,
                                  384000 => 1,
                                  705600 => 0,
                                  768000 => 0,
      serverFolder           => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Now log file is C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:01 2015] DEBUG: Transcoder table : {
      aliasing               => "on",
      bandwidth              => 907,
      C3POwillStart          => "exe",
      codecs                 => {
                                  aac  => undef,
                                  aif  => "on",
                                  alc  => undef,
                                  dff  => undef,
                                  dsf  => undef,
                                  flc  => "on",
                                  mp3  => undef,
                                  ogg  => undef,
                                  pcm  => "on",
                                  wav  => undef,
                                  wma  => undef,
                                  wmal => undef,
                                  wmap => undef,
      dither                 => "on",
      gain                   => 3,
      id                     => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      logFolder              => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      macaddress             => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      maxSupportedSamplerate => 384000,
      model                  => "squeezelite",
      modelName              => "SqueezeLite",
      name                   => "SqueezeLite",
      options                => {
                                  clientId         => "50-e5-49-cc-b4-29",
                                  debug            => undef,
                                  durationSec      => undef,
                                  endSec           => undef,
                                  endTime          => undef,
                                  file             => "C:\\Users\\filippo\\Desktop\\Music\\Nuova cartella (2)\\01 - One.flac",
                                  forcedSamplerate => undef,
                                  hello            => undef,
                                  inCodec          => "flc",
                                  outCodec         => "wav",
                                  prefFile         => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs",
                                  startSec         => undef,
                                  startTime        => undef,
      outBitDepth            => 4,
      outByteOrder           => "L",
      outChannels            => 2,
      outCodec               => "wav",
      outCompression         => 0,
      outEncoding            => "s",
      pathToC3PO             => undef,
      pathToC3PO_exe         => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      pathToC3PO_pl          => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      pathToFaad             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      pathToFFmpeg           => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      pathToFlac             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      pathToPerl             => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      pathToSox              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      phase                  => "M",
      quality                => "v",
      resampleTo             => "S",
      resampleWhen           => "A",
      sampleRates            => {
                                  8000   => 1,
                                  11025  => 1,
                                  12000  => 1,
                                  16000  => 1,
                                  22050  => 1,
                                  24000  => 1,
                                  32000  => 1,
                                  44100  => 1,
                                  48000  => 1,
                                  88200  => 1,
                                  96000  => 1,
                                  176400 => 1,
                                  192000 => 1,
                                  352800 => 1,
                                  384000 => 1,
                                  705600 => 0,
                                  768000 => 0,
      serverFolder           => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Now log file is C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\C-3PO.log 
     [Mon Nov  2 22:03:05 2015] DEBUG: Transcoder table : {
      aliasing               => "on",
      bandwidth              => 907,
      C3POwillStart          => "exe",
      codecs                 => {
                                  aac  => undef,
                                  aif  => "on",
                                  alc  => undef,
                                  dff  => undef,
                                  dsf  => undef,
                                  flc  => "on",
                                  mp3  => undef,
                                  ogg  => undef,
                                  pcm  => "on",
                                  wav  => undef,
                                  wma  => undef,
                                  wmal => undef,
                                  wmap => undef,
      dither                 => "on",
      gain                   => 3,
      id                     => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      logFolder              => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\Logs",
      macaddress             => "50:e5:49:cc:b4:29",
      maxSupportedSamplerate => 384000,
      model                  => "squeezelite",
      modelName              => "SqueezeLite",
      name                   => "SqueezeLite",
      options                => {
                                  clientId         => "50-e5-49-cc-b4-29",
                                  debug            => undef,
                                  durationSec      => undef,
                                  endSec           => undef,
                                  endTime          => undef,
                                  file             => "C:\\Users\\filippo\\Desktop\\Music\\Nuova cartella (2)\\01 - One.flac",
                                  forcedSamplerate => undef,
                                  hello            => undef,
                                  inCodec          => "flc",
                                  outCodec         => "wav",
                                  prefFile         => "C:\\ProgramData\\Squeezebox\\prefs\\plugin\\C3PO.prefs",
                                  startSec         => undef,
                                  startTime        => undef,
      outBitDepth            => 4,
      outByteOrder           => "L",
      outChannels            => 2,
      outCodec               => "wav",
      outCompression         => 0,
      outEncoding            => "s",
      pathToC3PO             => undef,
      pathToC3PO_exe         => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\C-3PO.exe",
      pathToC3PO_pl          => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Plugins\\C3PO\\C-3PO.pl",
      pathToFaad             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\faad.exe",
      pathToFFmpeg           => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\ffmpeg.exe",
      pathToFlac             => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\flac.exe",
      pathToPerl             => "C:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe",
      pathToSox              => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SQUEEZ~1\\server\\Bin\\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\\sox.exe",
      phase                  => "M",
      quality                => "v",
      resampleTo             => "S",
      resampleWhen           => "A",
      sampleRates            => {
                                  8000   => 1,
                                  11025  => 1,
                                  12000  => 1,
                                  16000  => 1,
                                  22050  => 1,
                                  24000  => 1,
                                  32000  => 1,
                                  44100  => 1,
                                  48000  => 1,
                                  88200  => 1,
                                  96000  => 1,
                                  176400 => 1,
                                  192000 => 1,
                                  352800 => 1,
                                  384000 => 1,
                                  705600 => 0,
                                  768000 => 0,
      serverFolder           => "C:/PROGRA~2/SQUEEZ~1/server",
    anche questo risulta vecchiotto

  8. #258
    Aug 2011


    Non sono aggiornati...perché l´ultimissimo non lo carica

  9. #259
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Non sono aggiornati...perché l´ultimissimo non lo carica
    Non carica il plugin o l'eseguibile?
    Sono fuori per lavoro, domani sera rientro e riprendiamo con calma.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  10. #260
    gibibyte L'avatar di DacPassion
    Jul 2014


    Kimmo, se ho capito bene, ha introdotto la conversione pcm to dsd
    Clearaudio Emotion + Satisfy + Grado Gold1 > Phono D3A DIY
    Futro S450 + Daphile / Amanero + Buffalo 2 (trident) uscita a TU Cinemag 15/15B DIY / Jlsounds + Lector Digicode TDA1541 S1
    Monoblocchi D3A 2A3 (electrolytich free!!) DIY / Coral Beta8 in BLH DIY

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