Guida a Logitech Media Server, Squeezelite e derivati.

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  1. #1751
    Aug 2011


    Originariamente inviato da devg

    as a new user of LMS/Squeezelite, I am still learning and trying to find the right configuration for my setup. My Dac is optimized for native dsd256 playback and hence I would like to up-sample everything to native dsd256 using C-3PO plugin. The server that runs LMS is Intel NUC8I7BEH. I am finding that there are drop outs with certain sample rate and flac file format - the music plays for a second or two and then stop and then plays again then stops and so on...The drop outs happens with 88.2Khz, 96KHz, 192KHz in flac formats only but the same sample rate works fine with other formats, e.g. 192K wav plays fine.

    All these sample rate works fine when played through HQplayer with poly-sinc-xtr-mp or poly-sinc-ext2 filter setting which are very compute intensive. I am wondering if sox is more demanding of cpu ? When I play them, I see sox sometimes consuming 30-40% cpu on one core. I tried with dsd64 as well but to no avail and even tried the quality setting in C-3PO to "quick" or "low" but same result. Is there a better configuration to upsample in native dsd256 ?

    Appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

    you have active in advanced > C3PO the multithread ?

  2. #1752
    Nov 2018


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli

    you have active in advanced > C3PO the multithread ?

    Yes, multithread is selected.

  3. #1753
    Nov 2018


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli

    you have active in advanced > C3PO the multithread ?

    Originariamente inviato da devg
    Yes, multithread is selected.
    I followed @antonellocaroli configuration which lead me to reconfigure the buffer size. By default its 128 but when multi-threading is enabled, it seems like the suggested value is 32. With 32 it didn't work either and the drop outs was still there. I then reduced it to 24 and viola - it started working. All the sample rates that I couldn't play without drop outs can be played now.

    Does the buffer size has anything to do with the amount of free ram available in the system ?

  4. #1754
    tebibyte L'avatar di UnixMan
    Sep 2013


    Originariamente inviato da devg
    Yes, multithread is selected.
    Try to disable it. In many cases it does more harm than good.
    Ciao, Paolo.

    «Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»

  5. #1755
    Nov 2018


    Originariamente inviato da UnixMan
    Try to disable it. In many cases it does more harm than good.
    Disabling or enabling doesn't seem to have any effect on the drop outs. The buffer size still needs to be 24 (in my case) in order to avoid it.

  6. #1756
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da devg
    I followed @antonellocaroli configuration which lead me to reconfigure the buffer size. By default its 128 but when multi-threading is enabled, it seems like the suggested value is 32. With 32 it didn't work either and the drop outs was still there. I then reduced it to 24 and viola - it started working. All the sample rates that I couldn't play without drop outs can be played now.

    Does the buffer size has anything to do with the amount of free ram available in the system
    sure it has.

    If you go low in memory the system start to paginate and this could cause sox to work badly, BUT the value is in megabytes, do you have less than 32 MB of free RAM in your system? That's no good!

    If you are low in memory you have several settings in LMS to take care of, but as a general rule, you should have at least 1GB of free RAM for a basic usage, at least double with DSD and same for upsampling. If I were you, I'll go with at least 4GB with your requirements. Never mind about sox quality, always use very hight and nothing less.

    Hope squeezelite is running in another system, in this case you could increase (input) buffer sizes, then in LMS -> Settings-> Player -> Audio delay increase a bit the value. If not... You need a very powerfull system with a lot of RAM: with DSD256 the minimum buffer size is 512Mbx 2, ideal is 2GB x 2, that means 8GB total RAM could be enough, but 16 are much better.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  7. #1757
    Nov 2018


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    sure it has.

    If you go low in memory the system start to paginate and this could cause sox to work badly, BUT the value is in megabytes, do you have less than 32 MB of free RAM in your system? That's no good!

    If you are low in memory you have several settings in LMS to take care of, but as a general rule, you should have at least 1GB of free RAM for a basic usage, at least double with DSD and same for upsampling. If I were you, I'll go with at least 4GB with your requirements. Never mind about sox quality, always use very hight and nothing less.

    Hope squeezelite is running in another system, in this case you could increase (input) buffer sizes, then in LMS -> Settings-> Player -> Audio delay increase a bit the value. If not... You need a very powerfull system with a lot of RAM: with DSD256 the minimum buffer size is 512Mbx 2, ideal is 2GB x 2, that means 8GB total RAM could be enough, but 16 are much better.
    Hi Marco,

    I appreciate your insight and thanks for your reply.

    I have 8Gb RAM installed on the server and Squeezelite runs on another low powered NUC. Here is the output from free and as you can see there is enough memory available ~ 3.5Gb.

    [root@audiolinux audiolinux]# free -h
    total used free shared buff/cache available
    Mem: 7.7Gi 4.0Gi 1.5Gi 1.0Mi 2.2Gi 3.5Gi
    Swap: 0B 0B 0B

    On the squeezelite, I am using -b 2097152:2097152 option as well. However I can't find "audio delay" settings in LMS -> Settings-> Player. Can you be little more specific ?

    Also earlier you said "HF before resampling, that will be an overhead of your CPU." Can you please elaborate and how to enable the setting ?

  8. #1758
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Settings->Player->Audio-> Audio Startup Time. start with 3-5 secs, then increase if necessary.

    The last group of settings in C-3PO is DSD input Lowpass filter.

    The default is a first order low pass at 15Khz, you could model a different one using up to 4 steps as you like.

    I could not remember the optimal values for your case (I'm not using DSD upsampling), Paolo (Unixman) could sure give you some better advice on that matter.

    Little buffers mean shorter CPU high load but more interrupts, then higher CPU usage in the long term. It's a trade-off, but filtering out HF should reduce CPU usage.

    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  9. #1759
    Nov 2018


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    Settings->Player->Audio-> Audio Startup Time. start with 3-5 secs, then increase if necessary.

    The last group of settings in C-3PO is DSD input Lowpass filter.

    The default is a first order low pass at 15Khz, you could model a different one using up to 4 steps as you like.

    I could not remember the optimal values for your case (I'm not using DSD upsampling), Paolo (Unixman) could sure give you some better advice on that matter.

    Little buffers mean shorter CPU high load but more interrupts, then higher CPU usage in the long term. It's a trade-off, but filtering out HF should reduce CPU usage.

    Got it. Thank you.

    I add HF low pass filters and that indeed seems to reduce the cpu load.

    However, the "Audio Startup Time" didn't help with the drop outs. I also bought 16Gb ram for the server and that didn't help either. I still have drop outs for buffer size > 24 but as I said earlier, these only happen with 96k, 192k flac files up-sampled to DSD128 or DSD256. I am trying to understand why it is the case. Any hints ?

  10. #1760
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da devg
    Got it. Thank you.

    I add HF low pass filters and that indeed seems to reduce the cpu load.

    However, the "Audio Startup Time" didn't help with the drop outs. I also bought 16Gb ram for the server and that didn't help either. I still have drop outs for buffer size > 24 but as I said earlier, these only happen with 96k, 192k flac files up-sampled to DSD128 or DSD256. I am trying to understand why it is the case. Any hints ?
    could you please post the command used when drop outs are produced? (Settings. Player, C-3PO, last executed command).
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

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