[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (238): DEBUG: Inc: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/lib/Module/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (239): DEBUG: Inc: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/lib/File/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (240): DEBUG: Inc: /System/Library/Perl/5.18/Getopt/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (241): DEBUG: Inc: /System/Library/Perl/5.18/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (242): DEBUG: Inc: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/lib/Data/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (243): DEBUG: Inc: /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/CPAN/YAML/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (244): DEBUG: Inc: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/lib/Audio/
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (250): DEBUG: options {
clientId => "6c-40-08-b2-24-b6",
debug => undef,
durationSec => undef,
endSec => undef,
endTime => undef,
file => "/Volumes/Dati/ZZZ Speaker Test/ 01 - Blood and Stone.flac",
forcedSamplerate => undef,
headerRestorer => undef,
hello => undef,
inCodec => "flc",
logFolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Logs/Squeezebox",
nodebuglog => undef,
noinfolog => undef,
outCodec => "wav",
prefFile => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs",
serverFolder => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server",
startSec => undef,
startTime => undef,
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (269): DEBUG: Pref File: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (273): DEBUG: Prefs: {
C3POfolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO",
C3POwillStart => "exe",
"_client:6c:40:08:b2:24:b6" => {
_version => 0,
aliasing => undef,
bandwidth => 907,
codecs => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
codecsCli => { aif => 1, dff => 1, dsf => 1, flc => 1, loc => 1, mp3 => 1, ogg => 1, pcm => 1, wav => 1 },
ditherPrecision => -1,
ditherType => 1,
dsdLowpass1Order => 2,
dsdLowpass1Value => 22,
dsdLowpass2Active => undef,
dsdLowpass2Order => 2,
dsdLowpass2Value => 33,
dsdLowpass3Active => undef,
dsdLowpass3Order => 2,
dsdLowpass3Value => 44,
dsdLowpass4Active => undef,
dsdLowpass4Order => 2,
dsdLowpass4Value => 48,
dsdRates => { 64 => undef, 128 => undef, 256 => undef, 512 => undef, 1024 => undef },
effectsWhen => "A",
enable => "on",
enableConvert => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableEffects => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableResample => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
enableSeek => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableStdin => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
extra_after_rate => "",
extra_before_rate => "",
flipChannels => undef,
gain => 0,
headroom => undef,
highPrecisionClock => undef,
id => "6c:40:08:b2:24:b6",
loudnessGain => 0,
loudnessRef => 65,
macaddress => "6c:40:08:b2:24:b6",
maxSupportedDsdrate => 256,
"maxSupportedSamplerate" => 384_000,
model => "squeezelite",
modelName => "SqueezeLite-R2",
name => "squeezelite-R2",
noIOpt => undef,
outBitDepth => 3,
outCodec => "wav",
panel => "lastCommand",
phase => "M",
quality => "q",
remixLeft => 100,
remixRight => 100,
resampleTo => "X",
sampleRates => {
8000 => "on",
11025 => undef,
12000 => undef,
16000 => "on",
22050 => undef,
24000 => "on",
32000 => "on",
44100 => "on",
48000 => "on",
88200 => "on",
96000 => "on",
176400 => "on",
192000 => "on",
352800 => undef,
384000 => undef,
705600 => undef,
768000 => undef,
sdmFilterType => "auto",
sdmTrellisLatency => undef,
"sdmTrellisLatencyActive" => undef,
sdmTrellisNum => undef,
sdmTrellisNumActive => undef,
sdmTrellisOrder => undef,
"sdmTrellisOrderActive" => undef,
showDetails => "on",
smallRollOff => undef,
useGlogalSettings => undef,
version => 20_211,
_version => 0,
aliasing => 0,
bandwidth => 907,
codecs => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
ditherPrecision => -1,
ditherType => 1,
dsdLowpass1Order => 2,
dsdLowpass1Value => 22,
dsdLowpass2Active => 0,
dsdLowpass2Order => 2,
dsdLowpass2Value => 33,
dsdLowpass3Active => 0,
dsdLowpass3Order => 2,
dsdLowpass3Value => 44,
dsdLowpass4Active => 0,
dsdLowpass4Order => 2,
dsdLowpass4Value => 48,
effectsWhen => "A",
enable => "on",
extra_after_rate => "",
extra_before_rate => "",
flipChannels => 0,
gain => 0,
headroom => 1,
highPrecisionClock => 0,
isSoxDsdCapable => 1,
logFolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Logs/Squeezebox",
loudnessGain => 0,
loudnessRef => 65,
noIOpt => 0,
outBitDepth => 3,
outCodec => "wav",
pathToC3PO_exe => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/Bin/C-3PO",
pathToC3PO_pl => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/",
pathToFFmpeg => undef,
pathToFaad => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/faad",
pathToFlac => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/flac",
"pathToHeaderRestorer_exe" => undef,
"pathToHeaderRestorer_pl" => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/",
pathToPerl => "/usr/bin/perl",
pathToPrefFile => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs",
pathToSox => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox",
phase => "I",
quality => "v",
remixLeft => 100,
remixRight => 100,
resampleTo => "S",
resampleWhen => "E",
sdmFilterType => "auto",
sdmTrellis => 0,
sdmTrellisLatency => 1024,
"sdmTrellisLatencyActive" => 0,
sdmTrellisNum => 8,
sdmTrellisNumActive => 0,
sdmTrellisOrder => 13,
"sdmTrellisOrderActive" => 0,
serverFolder => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server",
smallRollOff => "on",
soxBuffer => 8,
soxMultithread => 0,
soxVersion => 140_402,
unlimitedDsdRate => 0,
version => 20_211,
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (369): INFO: Running as Transcoder
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (375): DEBUG: clientId: 6c-40-08-b2-24-b6
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at main (378): DEBUG: client: _client:6c:40:08:b2:24:b6
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (386): INFO: Start buildCommand
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1293): DEBUG: In codec flc
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1294): DEBUG: In codec wav
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1295): DEBUG: enable Effects: 0
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1297): DEBUG: enable Resample: 1
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1300): DEBUG: resampleWhen: E
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (697): DEBUG: Start _checkResample
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (713): DEBUG: $maxsamplerate :192000
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (714): DEBUG: sampleRates :{
8000 => 1,
11025 => undef,
12000 => undef,
16000 => 1,
22050 => undef,
24000 => 1,
32000 => 1,
44100 => 1,
48000 => 1,
88200 => 1,
96000 => 1,
176400 => 1,
192000 => 1,
352800 => undef,
384000 => undef,
705600 => undef,
768000 => undef,
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (715): DEBUG: $maxDsdrate :0
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (716): DEBUG: dsdrates :{ 64 => undef, 128 => undef, 256 => undef, 512 => undef, 1024 => undef }
[2019/09/20 15:55:20] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (742): INFO: testfile: /Volumes/Dati/ZZZ Speaker Test/ 01 - Blood and Stone.flac
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (226): DEBUG: DEBUGLOG 1
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (227): DEBUG: INFOLOG 1
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (228): DEBUG: loglevel debug
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (230): DEBUG: BIN /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/Bin
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (231): DEBUG: C-3PO /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO
[2019/09/20 15:55:54] at main (232): DEBUG: Server /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (250): DEBUG: options {
clientId => "6c-40-08-b2-24-b6",
debug => undef,
durationSec => undef,
endSec => undef,
endTime => undef,
file => "/Volumes/Dati/ZZZ Speaker Test/ 01 - Blood and Stone.flac",
forcedSamplerate => undef,
headerRestorer => undef,
hello => undef,
inCodec => "flc",
logFolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Logs/Squeezebox",
nodebuglog => undef,
noinfolog => undef,
outCodec => "wav",
prefFile => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs",
serverFolder => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server",
startSec => undef,
startTime => undef,
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (269): DEBUG: Pref File: /Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (273): DEBUG: Prefs: {
C3POfolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO",
C3POwillStart => "exe",
"_client:6c:40:08:b2:24:b6" => {
_version => 0,
aliasing => undef,
bandwidth => 907,
codecs => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
codecsCli => { aif => 1, dff => 1, dsf => 1, flc => 1, loc => 1, mp3 => 1, ogg => 1, pcm => 1, wav => 1 },
ditherPrecision => -1,
ditherType => 1,
dsdLowpass1Order => 2,
dsdLowpass1Value => 22,
dsdLowpass2Active => undef,
dsdLowpass2Order => 2,
dsdLowpass2Value => 33,
dsdLowpass3Active => undef,
dsdLowpass3Order => 2,
dsdLowpass3Value => 44,
dsdLowpass4Active => undef,
dsdLowpass4Order => 2,
dsdLowpass4Value => 48,
dsdRates => { 64 => undef, 128 => undef, 256 => undef, 512 => 0, 1024 => 0 },
effectsWhen => "A",
enable => "on",
enableConvert => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableEffects => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableResample => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
enableSeek => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
enableStdin => {
aif => undef,
alc => undef,
dff => undef,
dsf => undef,
flc => undef,
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => undef,
extra_after_rate => "",
extra_before_rate => "",
flipChannels => undef,
gain => 0,
headroom => undef,
highPrecisionClock => undef,
id => "6c:40:08:b2:24:b6",
loudnessGain => 0,
loudnessRef => 65,
macaddress => "6c:40:08:b2:24:b6",
maxSupportedDsdrate => 256,
"maxSupportedSamplerate" => 384_000,
model => "squeezelite",
modelName => "SqueezeLite-R2",
name => "squeezelite-R2",
noIOpt => undef,
outBitDepth => 3,
outCodec => "wav",
panel => "lastCommand",
phase => "M",
quality => "q",
remixLeft => 100,
remixRight => 100,
resampleTo => "X",
sampleRates => {
8000 => "on",
11025 => undef,
12000 => undef,
16000 => "on",
22050 => undef,
24000 => "on",
32000 => "on",
44100 => "on",
48000 => "on",
88200 => "on",
96000 => "on",
176400 => "on",
192000 => "on",
352800 => undef,
384000 => undef,
705600 => 0,
768000 => 0,
sdmFilterType => "auto",
sdmTrellisLatency => undef,
"sdmTrellisLatencyActive" => undef,
sdmTrellisNum => undef,
sdmTrellisNumActive => undef,
sdmTrellisOrder => undef,
"sdmTrellisOrderActive" => undef,
showDetails => "on",
smallRollOff => undef,
useGlogalSettings => undef,
version => 20_211,
_ts_C3POfolder => "1568821638",
_ts_C3POwillStart => "1568821638",
_ts_version => "1568821638",
_version => 0,
aliasing => 0,
bandwidth => 907,
codecs => {
aif => "on",
alc => "on",
dff => "on",
dsf => "on",
flc => "on",
mp3 => undef,
ogg => undef,
wav => "on",
ditherPrecision => -1,
ditherType => 1,
dsdLowpass1Order => 2,
dsdLowpass1Value => 22,
dsdLowpass2Active => 0,
dsdLowpass2Order => 2,
dsdLowpass2Value => 33,
dsdLowpass3Active => 0,
dsdLowpass3Order => 2,
dsdLowpass3Value => 44,
dsdLowpass4Active => 0,
dsdLowpass4Order => 2,
dsdLowpass4Value => 48,
effectsWhen => "A",
enable => "on",
extra_after_rate => "",
extra_before_rate => "",
flipChannels => 0,
gain => 0,
headroom => 1,
highPrecisionClock => 0,
isSoxDsdCapable => 1,
logFolder => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Logs/Squeezebox",
loudnessGain => 0,
loudnessRef => 65,
noIOpt => 0,
outBitDepth => 3,
outCodec => "wav",
pathToC3PO_exe => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/Bin/C-3PO",
pathToC3PO_pl => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/",
pathToFFmpeg => undef,
pathToFaad => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/faad",
pathToFlac => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/flac",
"pathToHeaderRestorer_exe" => undef,
"pathToHeaderRestorer_pl" => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/",
pathToPerl => "/usr/bin/perl",
pathToPrefFile => "/Users/simonefilippini/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/C3PO.prefs",
pathToSox => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox",
phase => "I",
quality => "v",
remixLeft => 100,
remixRight => 100,
resampleTo => "S",
resampleWhen => "E",
sdmFilterType => "auto",
sdmTrellis => 0,
sdmTrellisLatency => 1024,
"sdmTrellisLatencyActive" => 0,
sdmTrellisNum => 8,
sdmTrellisNumActive => 0,
sdmTrellisOrder => 13,
"sdmTrellisOrderActive" => 0,
serverFolder => "/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server",
smallRollOff => "on",
soxBuffer => 8,
soxMultithread => 0,
soxVersion => 140_402,
unlimitedDsdRate => 0,
version => 20_211,
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (369): INFO: Running as Transcoder
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (375): DEBUG: clientId: 6c-40-08-b2-24-b6
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at main (378): DEBUG: client: _client:6c:40:08:b2:24:b6
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (386): INFO: Start buildCommand
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1293): DEBUG: In codec flc
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1294): DEBUG: In codec wav
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1295): DEBUG: enable Effects: 0
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1297): DEBUG: enable Resample: 1
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (1300): DEBUG: resampleWhen: E
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (697): DEBUG: Start _checkResample
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (713): DEBUG: $maxsamplerate :192000
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (714): DEBUG: sampleRates :{
8000 => 1,
11025 => undef,
12000 => undef,
16000 => 1,
22050 => undef,
24000 => 1,
32000 => 1,
44100 => 1,
48000 => 1,
88200 => 1,
96000 => 1,
176400 => 1,
192000 => 1,
352800 => undef,
384000 => undef,
705600 => 0,
768000 => 0,
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (715): DEBUG: $maxDsdrate :0
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (716): DEBUG: dsdrates :{ 64 => undef, 128 => undef, 256 => undef, 512 => 0, 1024 => 0 }
[2019/09/20 15:56:48] at Plugins::C3PO::Transcoder (742): INFO: testfile: /Volumes/Dati/ZZZ Speaker Test/ 01 - Blood and Stone.flac