DSD in LMS con SOX

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  1. #1001
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da SimoneFil
    Allora nel mio caso avendo MacOS a 64bit ho dovuto sostituire anche quello in darwin-x86_64.
    l'ho chmoddato in modo tale che i permessi fossero corretti e rinominato in sox. Il binario di per sè è funzionante e converte in dsd, ma C-3PO dà "PLUGIN_C3PO_STATUS_022" e "Versione di sox non valida o impossibile eseguire sox." Nessun log.
    Sembra quasi che C-3PO non riesca a "riconoscerlo", Marco hai qualche idea?
    C-3PO 'chiede' a LMS se SOX è installato, e 'pubblica il pathname che gli viene restituito nei settings. Quindi lo esegue con --help e --version per ottenerne la versione ed il dettaglio di effetti e formati supportati. Il messaggio che riporti esce quando non riesce ad eseguirlo o la risposta non è riconoscibile.

    Se metti ad info o debug il log di C-3PO, vedi il risultato dei comandi in partenza e nel log.


    a. se disabiliti C-3PO e/o usi sox da convert.conf funziona? Se si, nel 'tokenized command' il pathname di sox è quello riportato da C-3PO?
    b. il pathname riportato da C-3PO per SOX è ESATTAMENTE quello che hai sostituito?
    c. lanciando il pathname di SOX riportato da C-3PO da riga di comando funziona?
    d. è l'unica versione di SOX in path?
    e. l'utente che esegue LMS ha i permessi validi per quel file ?

    Se sei sicuro di quanto sopra, puoi postare il risultato del comando .../sox --help e .../sox --version?

    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  2. #1002
    Nov 2016


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    C-3PO 'chiede' a LMS se SOX è installato, e 'pubblica il pathname che gli viene restituito nei settings. Quindi lo esegue con --help e --version per ottenerne la versione ed il dettaglio di effetti e formati supportati. Il messaggio che riporti esce quando non riesce ad eseguirlo o la risposta non è riconoscibile.

    Se metti ad info o debug il log di C-3PO, vedi il risultato dei comandi in partenza e nel log.


    a. se disabiliti C-3PO e/o usi sox da convert.conf funziona? Se si, nel 'tokenized command' il pathname di sox è quello riportato da C-3PO?
    b. il pathname riportato da C-3PO per SOX è ESATTAMENTE quello che hai sostituito?
    c. lanciando il pathname di SOX riportato da C-3PO da riga di comando funziona?
    d. è l'unica versione di SOX in path?
    e. l'utente che esegue LMS ha i permessi validi per quel file ?

    Se sei sicuro di quanto sopra, puoi postare il risultato del comando .../sox --help e .../sox --version?

    1- mai usato da convert.conf non saprei manco da dove iniziare sinceramente
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- yes
    5- i permessi sono uguali a quelli del sox che era li precedentemente. quindi 755

    MacBook-Pro-di-Simone:darwin-x86_64 simonefilippini$ /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox --help
    /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox:      SoX v
    Usage summary: [gopts] [[fopts] infile]... [fopts] outfile [effect [effopt]]...
    SPECIAL FILENAMES (infile, outfile):
    -                        Pipe/redirect input/output (stdin/stdout); may need -t
    -d, --default-device     Use the default audio device (where available)
    -n, --null               Use the `null' file handler; e.g. with synth effect
    -p, --sox-pipe           Alias for `-t sox -'
    SPECIAL FILENAMES (infile only):
    "|program [options] ..." Pipe input from external program (where supported)
    http://server/file       Use the given URL as input file (where supported)
    GLOBAL OPTIONS (gopts) (can be specified at any point before the first effect):
    --buffer BYTES           Set the size of all processing buffers (default 8192)
    --clobber                Don't prompt to overwrite output file (default)
    --combine concatenate    Concatenate all input files (default for sox, rec)
    --combine sequence       Sequence all input files (default for play)
    -D, --no-dither          Don't dither automatically
    --dft-min NUM            Minimum size (log2) for DFT processing (default 10)
    --effects-file FILENAME  File containing effects and options
    -G, --guard              Use temporary files to guard against clipping
    -h, --help               Display version number and usage information
    --help-effect NAME       Show usage of effect NAME, or NAME=all for all
    --help-format NAME       Show info on format NAME, or NAME=all for all
    --i, --info              Behave as soxi(1)
    --input-buffer BYTES     Override the input buffer size (default: as --buffer)
    --no-clobber             Prompt to overwrite output file
    -m, --combine mix        Mix multiple input files (instead of concatenating)
    --combine mix-power      Mix to equal power (instead of concatenating)
    -M, --combine merge      Merge multiple input files (instead of concatenating)
    --norm                   Guard (see --guard) & normalise
    --play-rate-arg ARG      Default `rate' argument for auto-resample with `play'
    --plot gnuplot|octave    Generate script to plot response of filter effect
    -q, --no-show-progress   Run in quiet mode; opposite of -S
    --replay-gain track|album|off  Default: off (sox, rec), track (play)
    -R                       Use default random numbers (same on each run of SoX)
    -S, --show-progress      Display progress while processing audio data
    --single-threaded        Disable parallel effects channels processing
    --temp DIRECTORY         Specify the directory to use for temporary files
    -T, --combine multiply   Multiply samples of corresponding channels from all
                             input files (instead of concatenating)
    --version                Display version number of SoX and exit
    -V[LEVEL]                Increment or set verbosity level (default 2); levels:
                               1: failure messages
                               2: warnings
                               3: details of processing
                               4-6: increasing levels of debug messages
    FORMAT OPTIONS (fopts):
    Input file format options need only be supplied for files that are headerless.
    Output files will have the same format as the input file where possible and not
    overridden by any of various means including providing output format options.
    -v|--volume FACTOR       Input file volume adjustment factor (real number)
    --ignore-length          Ignore input file length given in header; read to EOF
    -t|--type FILETYPE       File type of audio
    -e|--encoding ENCODING   Set encoding (ENCODING may be one of signed-integer,
                             unsigned-integer, floating-point, mu-law, a-law,
                             ima-adpcm, ms-adpcm, gsm-full-rate)
    -b|--bits BITS           Encoded sample size in bits
    -N|--reverse-nibbles     Encoded nibble-order
    -X|--reverse-bits        Encoded bit-order
    --endian little|big|swap Encoded byte-order; swap means opposite to default
    -L/-B/-x                 Short options for the above
    -c|--channels CHANNELS   Number of channels of audio data; e.g. 2 = stereo
    -r|--rate RATE           Sample rate of audio
    -C|--compression FACTOR  Compression factor for output format
    --add-comment TEXT       Append output file comment
    --comment TEXT           Specify comment text for the output file
    --comment-file FILENAME  File containing comment text for the output file
    --no-glob                Don't `glob' wildcard match the following filename
    AUDIO FILE FORMATS: 8svx aif aifc aiff aiffc al amb amr-nb amr-wb anb au avr awb cdda cdr cvs cvsd cvu dat dff dsf dvms f32 f4 f64 f8 flac fssd gsm gsrt hcom htk ima ircam la lpc lpc10 lu maud mp2 mp3 nist ogg prc raw s1 s16 s2 s24 s3 s32 s4 s8 sb sf sl sln smp snd sndr sndt sou sox sph sw txw u1 u16 u2 u24 u3 u32 u4 u8 ub ul uw vms voc vorbis vox wav wavpcm wv wve xa
    EFFECTS: allpass band bandpass bandreject bass bend biquad chorus channels compand contrast dcshift deemph delay dither divide+ dop downsample earwax echo echos equalizer fade fir firfit+ flanger gain highpass hilbert input# loudness lowpass mcompand noiseprof noisered norm oops output# overdrive pad phaser pitch rate remix repeat reverb reverse riaa sdm silence sinc spectrogram speed splice stat stats stretch swap synth tempo treble tremolo trim upsample vad vol
      * Deprecated effect    + Experimental effect    # LibSoX-only effect
    EFFECT OPTIONS (effopts): effect dependent; see --help-effect

    MacBook-Pro-di-Simone:darwin-x86_64 simonefilippini$ /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox --version
    /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox:      SoX v

  3. #1003
    tebibyte L'avatar di UnixMan
    Sep 2013


    Originariamente inviato da SimoneFil
    MacBook-Pro-di-Simone:darwin-x86_64 simonefilippini$ /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox --version
    /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Bin/darwin-x86_64/sox:      SoX v
    direi che il problema è questo... non riporta nessuna versione, perché!?
    Ciao, Paolo.

    «Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»

  4. #1004
    Nov 2016


    La cosa assurda è che di per sè il binario funziona ... potrei provare a ricompilarlo

  5. #1005
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da SimoneFil
    La cosa assurda è che di per sè il binario funziona ... potrei provare a ricompilarlo
    C-3PO deve sapere con quale versione di SOX ha a che fare, dato che le funzionalità disponibili ed i relativi parametri sono diversi, ma è possibilissimo che SOX in se funzioni ugualmente ed il 'bug' sia relativo solo all'opzione --version, bisognerebbe verificare nel codice di SOX o negli script di compilazione, magari la versione va passata come parametro.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #1006
    Nov 2016


    Ho provato a ricompilare il tutto ma il binario continua a non mostrare la versione; non è da passare come opzione perchè le ho controllate tutte, dovrò dare un'occhiata agli script di compilazione

  7. #1007
    Nov 2016



    nel makefile la versione è specificata ma questo è ciò che appare nel config.log

    uname -v = Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    /usr/bin/hostinfo      = Mach kernel version:
    	 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    configure:3653: checking for C compiler version
    configure:3662: gcc --version >&5
    Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)
    Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)
    configure:3662: gcc -qversion >&5
    clang: error: unknown argument: '-qversion'
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:12838: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:13053: checking gcc version
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:15348: checking whether FLAC_API_VERSION_CURRENT is declared
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    #define VERSION "14.4.3git"

  8. #1008
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da SimoneFil

    nel makefile la versione è specificata ma questo è ciò che appare nel config.log

    uname -v = Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    /usr/bin/hostinfo      = Mach kernel version:
         Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Thu Jun 15 17:36:27 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.70.16~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    configure:3653: checking for C compiler version
    configure:3662: gcc --version >&5
    Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)
    Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)
    configure:3662: gcc -qversion >&5
    clang: error: unknown argument: '-qversion'
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:12838: checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:13053: checking gcc version
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    configure:15348: checking whether FLAC_API_VERSION_CURRENT is declared
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    | #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    #define PACKAGE_VERSION "14.4.3git"
    #define VERSION "14.4.3git"
    A naso e senza aver controllato:

    gcc -qversion ?
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  9. #1009
    Aug 2011


    Da un po che non usavo il dac per DSD, ma oggi lo attacco é ho qualche problema con Squeezelite-R2, non rieco a mandare in play dsd nativo 256.

    squeezelite-R2 -?
    Squeezelite Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith.
    this modified version (v1.8.4 (R2)), Copyright 2015 -2017 Marco Curti.
    see https://github.com/marcoc1712/squeezelite-R2
    See -t for license terms
    Usage: squeezelite-R2 [options]
      -s <server>[:<port>]	Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server
      -o <output device>	Specify output device, default "default", - = output to stdout
      -l 			List output devices
      -x 			Disable downsampling requests to LMS
      -a <b>:<p>:<f>:<m>	Specify ALSA params to open output device, b = buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)
      -a <f>		Specify sample format (16|24|32) of output file when using -o - to output samples to stdout (interleaved little endian only)
      -b <stream>:<output>	Specify internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes
      -c <codec1>,<codec2>	Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,dsd (mad,mpg for specific mp3 codec)
      -C <timeout>		Close output device when idle after timeout seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on'
      -d <log>=<level>	Set logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output, level: info|debug|sdebug
      -e <codec1>,<codec2>	Explicitly exclude native support of one or more codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,dsd (mad,mpg for specific mp3 codec)
      -f <logfile>		Write debug to logfile
      -m <mac addr>		Set mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
      -M <modelname>	Set the squeezelite player model name sent to the server (default: SqueezeLite-R2)
      -n <name>		Set the player name
      -N <filename>		Store player name in filename to allow server defined name changes to be shared between servers (not supported with -n)
      -p <priority>		Set real time priority of output thread (1-99)
      -P <filename>		Store the process id (PID) in filename
      -r <rates>[:<delay>]	Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite is started; rates = <maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms
      -D [delay][:format]	Output device supports DSD, delay = optional delay switching between PCM and DSD in ms
      			 format = dop (default if not specified), u8, u16le, u16be, u32le or u32be.
      -L 			List volume controls for output device
      -U <control>		Unmute ALSA control and set to full volume (not supported with -V)
      -V <control>		Use ALSA control for volume adjustment, otherwise use software volume adjustment
      -z 			Daemonize
      -t 			License terms
      -? 			Display this help text
    Build options: LINUX ALSA EVENTFD DSD
    Questo il debug di squeezelite
    squeezelite-R2 -C 1 -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0 -d all=debug
    [14:58:25.800257] stream_init:290 init stream
    [14:58:25.800349] stream_init:291 streambuf size: 2097152
    [14:58:25.801489] output_init_alsa:889 init output
    [14:58:25.801520] output_init_alsa:930 device : hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 1
    [14:58:25.801541] output_init_common:346 outputbuf size: 3528000
    [14:58:25.801596] output_init_common:370 idle timeout: 1000
    [14:58:25.802553] output_init_common:410 supported rates: 384000 352800 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 
    [14:58:25.806048] output_init_alsa:946 memory locked
    [14:58:25.806250] output_init_alsa:969 set output sched fifo rt: 45
    [14:58:25.806268] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs:  exclude codecs: 
    [14:58:25.806331] register_dsd:906 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
    [14:58:25.806599] load_faad:610 loaded libfaad.so.2
    [14:58:25.806611] register_faad:640 using faad to decode aac
    [14:58:25.806916] load_vorbis:300 loaded libvorbisfile.so.3
    [14:58:25.806928] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
    [14:58:25.807165] load_flac:266 loaded libFLAC.so.8
    [14:58:25.807177] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
    [14:58:25.807189] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
    [14:58:25.807343] load_mad:383 loaded libmad.so.0
    [14:58:25.807355] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
    [14:58:25.807504] discover_server:756 sending discovery
    [14:58:25.807741] discover_server:767 got response from:
    [14:58:25.807772] slimproto:849 connecting to
    [14:58:25.807911] slimproto:882 connected
    [14:58:25.807925] sendHELO:124 mac: 50:e5:49:cc:b4:29
    [14:58:25.807937] sendHELO:126 cap: Model=squeezelite,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Firmware=v1.8.4 (R2),ModelName=SqueezeLite-R2,MaxSampleRate=384000,dsf,dff,aac,ogg,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
    [14:58:25.808544] process:494 strm
    [14:58:25.808555] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [14:58:25.808566] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [14:58:25.808578] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [14:58:25.808590] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [14:58:25.808651] process:494 setd
    [14:58:25.808761] process:494 setd
    [14:58:25.808779] process:494 aude
    [14:58:25.808790] process_aude:395 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
    [14:58:25.808854] process:494 audg
    [14:58:25.808864] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 0
    [14:58:25.808875] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [14:58:28.548373] process:494 strm
    [14:58:28.548390] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:28.548402] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:32.548398] process:494 strm
    [14:58:32.548413] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:32.548425] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:36.551789] process:494 strm
    [14:58:36.551803] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:36.551814] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:41.550835] process:494 strm
    [14:58:41.550849] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:41.550860] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:46.548144] process:494 strm
    [14:58:46.548157] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:46.548199] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:49.474995] process:494 strm
    [14:58:49.475008] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [14:58:49.475018] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [14:58:49.475029] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [14:58:49.475058] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [14:58:49.487566] process:494 audg
    [14:58:49.487576] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 0
    [14:58:49.487587] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [14:58:49.487938] process:494 strm
    [14:58:49.487948] process_strm:256 strm command s
    [14:58:49.487958] process_strm:325 strm s autostart: 1 transition period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: d
    [14:58:49.487971] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [14:58:49.487990] codec_open:218 codec open: 'd'
    [14:58:49.488014] stream_sock:384 connecting to
    [14:58:49.488151] stream_sock:413 header: GET /stream.mp3?player=50:e5:49:cc:b4:29 HTTP/1.0
    [14:58:49.488165] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMc
    [14:58:49.488178] process_strm:357 set fade mode: 0
    [14:58:49.488202] process:494 audg
    [14:58:49.488216] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 0
    [14:58:49.488227] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [14:58:49.516108] stream_thread:176 headers: len: 115
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.1 - 1511211491)
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: audio/dsf
    [14:58:49.516641] sendRESP:202 RESP
    [14:58:50.007157] output_thread:697 open output device: hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0
    [14:58:50.007553] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [14:58:50.007725] alsa_open:440 opened device hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [14:58:50.007754] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [14:58:50.038047] _read_header:191 id: DSD  len: 28 consume: 28
    [14:58:50.038168] _read_header:158 DSF version: 1 format: 0
    [14:58:50.038181] _read_header:168 channels: 2
    [14:58:50.038194] _read_header:169 sample rate: 11289600
    [14:58:50.038204] _read_header:170 lsb first: 1
    [14:58:50.038214] _read_header:171 sample bytes: 2305843009213693951
    [14:58:50.038225] _read_header:172 block size: 4096
    [14:58:50.038235] _read_header:191 id: fmt  len: 52 consume: 52
    [14:58:50.038247] _read_header:178 found dsd len: 12
    [14:58:50.038257] dsd_decode:765 setting track_start
    [14:58:50.038269] dsd_decode:819 DSD256 stream, format: DSD_U32_BE, rate: 352800Hz
    [14:58:50.047894] _output_frames:61 start buffer frames: 70656
    [14:58:50.047918] _output_frames:146 track start sample rate: 352800 replay_gain: 0
    [14:58:50.047934] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMs
    [14:58:50.047963] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:50.057937] output_thread:697 open output device: hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0
    [14:58:50.062409] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 352800
    [14:58:50.062562] alsa_open:440 opened device hw:CARD=J20,DEV=0 using format: DSD_U32_BE sample rate: 352800 mmap: 1
    [14:58:50.062583] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 14112 period size: 3528
    [14:58:50.548697] process:494 strm
    [14:58:50.548734] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:50.548745] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:51.549787] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:52.550904] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:53.551970] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:54.548166] process:494 strm
    [14:58:54.548205] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:54.548216] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:55.549257] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:56.550378] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:57.551451] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:58.549019] process:494 strm
    [14:58:58.549078] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [14:58:58.549090] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:58:59.550130] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:59:00.551252] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:59:01.552324] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [14:59:02.548313] process:494 strm
    [14:59:02.548346] process_strm:256 strm command t
    il comando di C-3PO
    [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t dsf -b 1 --buffer 8192 - gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600 sdm
    Tokenized command:
    "/usr/bin/flac" -dcs --totally-silent -- - | "/usr/bin/sox" -q -t wav - -t dsf -b 1 --buffer 8192 - gain -h rate -v -I -b 90.7 -f 11289600 sdm
    Niente Audio!
    Cosa potrebbe essere?

    Con Hqplayer é tutto ok.

  10. #1010
    tebibyte L'avatar di UnixMan
    Sep 2013


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Niente Audio!
    Cosa potrebbe essere?
    ad una rapida occhiata, non mi pare di vedere errori... non è che banalmente c'è il volume a zero? Prova a dare una occhiata con alsamixer...
    Ciao, Paolo.

    «Se tu hai una mela, e io ho una mela, e ce le scambiamo, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.»

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