which way to go...I just can't make up my mind :\

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  1. #1

    Arrow which way to go...I just can't make up my mind :\

    so uhm...I found 2 possible sets that I like, an amd set up, and an intel set up. the Intel one of course being more expensive.
    and the ram i picked i think is compatible with both sets. so...the catch on the amd is only 1mb per core, and the Intel is 2mb per core, but the amd is 3.2 ghz where as the Intel is only 3.0 ghz...so which way do I go?

    and while I'm on the topic of upgrading is till dont fully unstand if i could put say a
    with a 640 mb 8800 gts or would they both have to match?

  2. #2
    Ghost Fighter L'avatar di frenc
    Jan 2001


    hi torner.

    2 things:
    - this is an italian forum, so it's difficult for you to have answer if you use english language.
    - all your links are wrong. and they seems to be commercial links. this type of links aren't allowed on this forum without previus autorization from staff.

    in any case, intel is actually the better choice for performance.

    bye and sorry for my english .

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