asus con chipset 761 e i suoi bei problemini

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  1. #41
    May 2001


    1.04 final (credo) comunque puoi scaricarlo dal sito tedesco dellla asus, ( vai ad e seleziona il link al sito sopradetto)

  2. #42

  3. #43
    May 2001


    piripipi piripipà rieccomi qua ! vi ripeto una domanda ma il bios 1.04 e anche il beta precedente, ha messo una pezza al problema del 686 b ????? a me l'1.04 final in "condominio" con la patch di george mi faceva casino, non sarà mica il caso dellla faq qui sotto, ora sono tornato al bio beta che mi aveva detto musmax ed ho levato la patch di george e tutto funge, pare !!!ohhh Musmax, che faccio riprovo con il "final ????"
    Even after using the latest VIA 4-in-1 4.31 driver or the 1.0 Fix I am still suffering problems with copying files, and/or writing CDs, why?
    There are a couple of known reasons for this:
    - Firstly what has usually happened is your motherboard manufacturer has attempted to fix the original problem with a bios upgrade. This bios upgrade has changed other settings in your bios register which will cause the problem to continue happening even after the VIA fix has been added, or it could even cause additional problems to show up.

    The most effective way to solve this problem is to update to the latest bios update from your motherboard manufacturer. If there are none later than your present, it is suggested you downgrade to a bios one lower than your present. It is very important that you do not use any beta bios', since these have usually caused many of the additional problems. It is suggested you also contact your Motherboard Company and ask them which is the best bios to work alongside the VIA 686B IDE Channel problem, or to fix the problems by itself.

    If you continue having problems with this, or need help in flashing your bios either contact your Vendor or Motherboard Company, or ask for assistance on the VIAHARDWARE Forum General Section.

    A ASUS ma se correggi i casini avvertici !!!!!!!


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