se può essere utile inserisco quì sotto delle chiavi per il Tweak del Registro specifiche per Windows 8.1

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Apply Thin Windows Borders
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

; Enable Metro Apps to Work on In-Built Administrator Account

; Disable Charms Bar and the Apps Switcher

; Go to the Desktop instead of Start when I Sign in

; Show Desktop Background as Start Screen Background

; Show the Apps view automatically when I go to Start

; List Desktop Apps first in the Apps view when it's sorted by category

; Don't Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell On the WinX Menu

; Change Sky Drive Brand Name to Microsoft Drive Brand Name

; Remove Desktop Link from My Computer

; Remove Documents Link from My Computer

; Remove Downloads Link from My Computer

; Remove Music Link from My Computer

; Remove Pictures Link from My Computer

; Remove Videos Link from My Computer

PS su Windows 8.1 Preview a voi funziona il Visual Studio 2012 ??