Start8 per Windows 8: come ripristinare il classico start in Windows 8

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  1. #1
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito Start8 per Windows 8: come ripristinare il classico start in Windows 8

    Per chi come mè stenta un pò ad abituarsi all'assenza (a mio avviso ingiustificata) del tasto start e delle sue funzioni in Windows 8, vorrei segnalare il programmino Start 8 di Stardock.


    • Windows 7 style Start menu with Windows 8 enhancements:
      • Users can search for Windows 8-style (Metro) apps with it
      • Users can pin desktop and Metro apps
      • Full support for Jump Lists
      • Unified Searc
      • Users can boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop
      • Fast access to shut down, devices, music, documents, videos
    • Automatically matches color to the color of the taskbar
    • Start button is now skinnable
    • Optionally disable the desktop "hot spots"
    • Supports WindowFX 5.1 startmenu animations "currently in beta"
    • The Windows 8 Start screen becomes accessible from the Start menu
    • Start menu size fully configurable
    • Adds option for WinKey to show fullscreen Metro desktop

    download ed info: Start8 for Windows® 8 - Bringing back the Windows Start menu
    Ultima modifica di SantEnnio : 04-09-2012 a 08:36

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