Daphile: termini di licenza

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  1. #1
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013

    Predefinito Daphile: termini di licenza

    Per evitare di continuare a scrivere di Daphile sul thd dedicato all'upsampling con LMS e squeezelite ma nello stesso tempo per dare corretta evidenza ai chiarimenti che Kimmo (il mantainer di Daphile) sta via via fornendo alle mie richieste in merito, apro questo THD, nel quale riporterò via via le mie richieste e informazioni che mi perverranno in risposta.

    MI asterrò invece da qualsiasi commento o valutazione diversa.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  2. #2
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Prima domanda, inviata usando il modulo 'contacts' del sito di Daphile:


    Where I could find licence terms of this package?


    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  3. #3
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Prima risposta (automatica) da Daphile:

    Automatic reply from Daphile


    Thanks for your message and contacting Daphile. I really appreciate all feedback but
    unfortunately for the time being I won't have enough time to respond, support or further
    develop Daphile. So I won't most probably be replying the messages – sorry for that.
    However I'll try to release maintenance updates every now and then.

    Below you can find a short list of frequently asked questions with answers. In case you don't
    find any help from there, you could try the following forums where you might find other
    Daphile users.

    Logitech Squeezebox: Squeezebox : Community : Forums
    diyAudio: PC Based - diyAudio
    Computer Audiophile: Music Servers
    forum Audiophile (French): Musique dématérialisée

    Kind regards
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  4. #4
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Seconda risposta da Daphile:


    The license terms of the included packages are available via Daphile web interface at Info-tab -> Credits.

    The source code and patches of the packages where license requires the source redistribution can be found from here:
    Index of /gpl-src

    There is also a DISCLAIMER to be notified. It's available on Daphile web page:

    Commercial usage and redistribution is prohibited because Daphile uses some third party internet services that are free of charge only for the non-commercial projects.

    If you have any other specific reason to ask this, please ask again more detailed.

    Di fatto questo risponde formalmente alla maggior parte degli obblighi dettati dalle licenze GPL di molti dei componenti.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  5. #5
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Rimanendomi ancora non chiari i termini di licenza d'uso e distribuzione di Daphile per se, ho inviato questa ulteriore domanda, che segnala anche una probabile incongruenza tra quanto riportato nella lista dei sorgenti e quanto effettivamente in uso, almeno in merito a squeezelite:


    Thanks for details, but I'm not sure to well understand if:

    a. I'm I allowed to modify some of the GPL licensed components distributed with Daphile.
    b. I'm I allowed to distribute the so modified distribution of Daphile.

    Sure not for commercial intends.

    If Yes (as it should be), How could I Access the 'official' releases since only the private beta has ssh access?

    Last but not least, just looked at Squeezelite 1.8 at the moment and seems to me in the source list you provided the standard one, that could not be the one running in Daphile, at least if compiled using the provided make file (this is the really first reason I'm asking for source code).

    Thanks in advance for you kind answers.



    Same questions in DIYAudio forum, after your automatic reply.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #6
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Risposta di Kimmo:


    See my answers/comments below.


    On 28.09.2015 14:07, Marco Curti wrote:
    > Hi
    > Thanks for details, but I'm not sure to well understand if:
    > a. I'm I allowed to modify some of the GPL licensed components distributed with Daphile.
    Of course you are.
    > b. I'm I allowed to distribute the so modified distribution of Daphile.
    No, you are allowed to do that if I understood you right. There are components (eg. most of the files but not all under /opt/spac, /opt/fwtool, /opt/netmgr, /opt/daphile, /var/www and /usr/local/bin) included in Daphile that are completely written by me. They are not open source and they may not be redistributed with anything else but Daphile, not for example as part of a modified Daphile version. I have the copyrights of them. I will clarify the license for these in the near future. Sorry but that's my choice.
    > Sure not for commercial intends.
    > If Yes (as it should be), How could I Access the 'official' releases since only the private beta has ssh access?
    "Official" version does not have the ssh server enabled because I don't want that there is such a hole for the users who don't know how or care to change the default password. And I have not been motivated enough to develop the password configuration (and related recovery mechanisms for forgotten password, etc... that would be a necessity and it's not so trivial) to the web interface. The private betas are basically the same, with only exception that private betas include couple of extra applications for debugging purposes and possibly some updates.

    And if you really want to access files of the official version you can copy the SquashFS root filesystem file (on DaphileBoot partition /boot/fwXXXXXXXXXX/rootfs) to another Linux and mount it there (eg. mount -t squashfs rootfs /mnt/daphile_rootfs).
    > Last but not least, just looked at Squeezelite 1.8 at the moment and seems to me in the source list you provided the standard one, that could not be the one running in Daphile, at least if compiled using the provided make file (this is the really first reason I'm asking for source code).
    I'm not sure what do you mean here. The latest official version has the Squeezelite 1.8 with these two patches:
    1. faad-optional-1.6.4.patch (the version numbering is a bit misleading here but actually this patch is completely obsolete because )
    2. gentoo-makefile.patch
    Add it's build with these options (see squeezelite --help on Daphile): LINUX ALSA EVENTFD RESAMPLE FFMPEG VISEXPORT DSD

    The latest private beta has additionally the attached patch (I have sent it to Squeezelite developer Adrian "Triode" Smith but he seems to be not maintaining the project anymore). I'll add this patch to source tree along with the next official release if it's not included in official squeezelite repository by Triode.
    > Thanks in advance for you kind answers.
    > P.s.
    > Same questions in DIYAudio forum, after your automatic reply.
    Sorry but I don't have enough time to participate on forums anymore :-(.
    Il punto cruciale è la risposta al punto B.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  7. #7
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Mia ulteriore richiesta di chiarimento:

    I see.

    Not arguing your choices, but not sure you are completely in your rigths here.

    By the way, I'm then allowed to produce a modified version of squeezelite, compile it (don't know how, maybe in a standard gentoo installation) and distribute it with instruction to replace the standrad one in Daphile?

    If so, Is not that just like distributing a modified version of Daphile?

    Please let me Know , I'm retaining myself to do this awayting for your opinion and agreement.

    As a side note, but I'm not the one who could argue on that, I would like you think about this:

    People using the 'standard' version are prevent to apply mods on eg. squeezelite, and this - in my opinion - broke the GPLv3 licence agreement of squeezelite. Obviously you think is not like that, could you explain me why?

    Thanks in advance.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

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