Ecco le principali novità contenute nell'ultima suite:

  • ATI Catalystâ„¢ support for DirectCompute 10.1

  • OpenGL 3.2 extension support

ATI Catalystâ„¢ support for DirectCompute 10.1

This release of ATI Catalystâ„¢ provides full support for DirectCompute 10.1 for the ATI

Radeonâ„¢ HD 4800 Series, ATI Radeonâ„¢ HD 4700 Series for both single card and ATI

CrossFireXâ„¢ supported configurations.

OpenGL 3.2 extension support

  • Support for OpenGL Shading Language 1.50

  • BGRA vertex component ordering (GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra)

  • Drawing commands allowing modification of the base vertex index

  • (GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex)

  • Shader fragment coordinate convention control

  • (GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions)

  • Provoking vertex control (GL_ARB_provoking_vertex)

  • Seamless cube map filtering (GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map)

  • Multisampled textures and texture samplers for specific sample locations

  • (GL_ARB_texture_multisample)

  • Fragment depth clamping (GL_ARB_depth_clamp)

  • Geometry shaders (GL_ARB_geometry_shader4)

  • Fence sync objects (GL_ARB_sync)

  • transform_feedback2

  • texture_cubemap_array

Performance Improvements

The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalystâ„¢ 9.12:

3DMark Vantage – overall performance improves as much as 9% on ATI Radeon HD

5800 and ATI Radeon HD 5700 series products. GT1 – Jane Nash performance

improves as much as 15% and FT4 – GPU Cloth improves up to 15%

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Call of Pripyat – Performance improves as much as 6% on single

card configurations.