EVGA rilascia una nuova versione di ELEET 1


System requirements:

- Windows XP, Vista, or 7
- EVGA X58 or P55 Motherboard


- Real-time monitoring of CPU, Memory, and QPI Frequencies
- Logitech Keyboard LCD Display support
- Real-time monitoring of vital voltages such as CPU VCore, DRAm Voltage, +12v rail, etc.
- Real-time monitoring of each individual core tempeature, northbridge temp, and voltage regulator temperature
- Real-time adjustments of vital voltages such as CPU VCore, CPU VTT, DRAM Voltage, and more!
- Real-time adjustments of QPI Base Clocks, CPU Multiplier and PCIe Bus Frequencies
- Directly Generate a Validation file and submit via the utility
- Save and load up to 8 profiles, and switch between them with a hotkey
- "Brink OC" mode automatically saves a validation file every time you push up your CPU frequency, so you can grab your OC record with less hassle!

Revision history:

Version 1.07
- Adds Program Affinity Hotkeys
- Adds EVGA Classified SR2 W555 support